Sakura from beadsBeads - almost universal material forneedlework, from it you can make a lot of all kinds of things, from jewelry to stylish decorations for the interior, such as paintings or bonsai from beads. For example, made by own hands beaded sakura will bring in your interior oriental notes.

Sakura from beads is padded according to the same principle as other trees (for example, acacia). Differences only in small nuances, about which we will tell you.

Sakura from beads own hands

To make sakura from beads, you will need such tools and materials:

  • 50 g of pink beads of two shades

  • 15 g of light green beads

  • thin copper wire (diameter - 0.3 mm)

  • long wooden skewers

  • plasticine

  • toothpick

  • alabaster

  • a pot for a tree

  • brown and black gouache or other suitable paints

  • materials for decoration (pebbles, etc.)

First you need to carefully mix two shades of pink beads (instead of one of the shades of pink you can take a transparent white beads). After that you can begin to weave twigs of sakura. This is the preparatory stage, the longest and the most monotonous.

The branches can be weaved in two ways. The principle of weaving is slightly different, but the result is one. When weaving the first way you need to cut off about 50 cm of wire, dial 7 beads on its middle and twist the wire several times, making a loop. Torsion should be about 1 cm long.

Then make four more of these same loops: first two (one at each end of the wire), then twist once and make two more. In the same way, twist the twig to the very end, at the end, instead of four loops, make two. Scheme of the sprig: 1-4-4-4-2 beaded loops. As a result, you should get 85-90 branches. Approximately a third of the branches can be added a few loops of green beads, so that your cherry blossom bead looks more natural.

You can make twigs another way. Take approximately 70 cm of wire and doher loop, retreating about 15 cm from one end. At the long end you need to string 5-7 beads and make a loop. Do these loops approximately every half a centimeter, until the wire runs out. The resulting twig fold in half and twist, straighten the leaves. So make the right amount of twigs.

Now we need collect from twigs a tree. For this, from small twigs-blanks needmake big branches. Cut approximately 30 cm of wire and start wrapping around one of the small twigs. After winding a spiral about 1 cm long, attach one more twig and continue winding. One or two additional branches can be screwed to the twigs.

The branches, consisting of two branches, needtrim the "tail", and three-threaded - leave it as it is. Then, to each three-branched branch, wind in the same way one two-level branch to get a bigger branch. Then connect the resulting branches (two by each). There will be more branches that need to be divided into four parts and put into four very large branches.

The resulting large branches are attached to the trunk. For this, take the wooden skewers(the number of skewers depends on the desired thickness of the trunk), fold and wind with wire (not too tightly, just so that they do not crumble). Then take the most lush branch, slide it between the skewers and twist the wire. Then, fasten the remaining branches to the trunk, preferably not at the same level, and every next one - slightly lower than the previous one.

To make your cherry blossom bead more like a tree, The trunk needs to be clad with plasticine. Adjusting the thickness of the layer of plasticine, you canto give the trunk different bends. Stash the skewers not to the very end: they should stick out a little from the plasticine, so that you can then "plant" the tree in the pot. Then, using a toothpick, draw a wavy strip on the plasticine, simulating the texture of the bark. Instead of clay, you can wrap the trunk with a white floral tape.

Dissolve in the prepared pot alabaster to the consistency of thick sour cream and "Plant" in it a tree, sticking into the alabaster the protruding ends of the skewers. If they are too long, cut them first, based on the height of the pot. Wait until the alabaster freezes, and color the trunk in a dark brown color. Instead of alabaster, plasticine or silicone will do.

And the final touch is decoration. Pour decorative stones in a pot or put a floral moss. You can put a few coins between the stones - a symbol of wealth - and in the cherry tree branches plant a toy bird. Your cherry blossom is ready!

Sakura from beads Sakura from beads
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