Rhododendron - planting and care

Wayward rhododendrons live by their own rules. And in order to be able to enjoy their fragrant flowering, it is necessary to create all the conditions required for this.

It comes from the high-mountainous regions of the northernhemisphere, rhododendrons winter hardiness. You can meet them in Alaska and in Greenland. Some varieties suffer even 40-degree frosts. But in our, not so harsh conditions, the rhododendron can grow if you know how to take care of it.

The first 5 years of rhododendrons need special attention. In these years, shoots are formed. With favorable growth, the flowering of rhododendrons begins at 5-6 years. Surprisingly, this plant, which can grow to a height of 10 meters, is a fairly compact root system. It is necessary to beware of damaging it when loosening the soil.

So that the surrounding land does not dry out,trunnion circles are the most reliable to cover with needles or a layer of wood bark, or crushed peat. The soil should be constantly slightly moist to the touch, but not too much, so that the roots do not rot from lack of oxygen. The location is best without direct sun and not in a draft. However, the sun should suffice, otherwise on the leaves there will be green algae.

Reproduction of rhododendrons

Increase the number of these beautifully flowering lush bushes by reproducing in any of the following ways:

1. Seeding of seeds.

2. Cuttings.

3. Layering.

4. Inoculation.

5. Division of bushes.

Cultivation of rhododendrons from seeds - longmethod. The most rapid and easy to multiply this plant from cuttings, for planting which you need a ready-made soil mixture specifically for rhododendrons. But to buy seeds of rhododendrons makes sense - in this way you can grow completely new varieties for yourself.

Flowering of rhododendrons

Many people use such a landscape cunning asthe cultivation of rhododendron in a tub or a wide container, about 40 centimeters high. Kad beauty is usually fascinated by all its luxurious flowering for decades. In order for this plant to become covered with flowers, it must be on the east or west side.

If you gather at least a fewvarieties of different colors from all the variety of rhododendrons, it will be than to impress guests. After flowering it is necessary to cut off the faded flowers. Otherwise, they will start tying the seeds, which weakens the plant. Rhododendrons from seeds are better to grow in the event that it is not possible to get a stalk of a certain variety. Own the same sorts of garden easier to reproduce the most rapid way - by dividing the bush or cuttings.

Garden rhododendrons in a tub for the winter are transferred to a cold, but not freezing room. Otherwise, the plant will simply dry, because in the capacity the earth freezes faster, and the roots will remain without moisture.

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