Flowers from sweetsA very interesting and simple hobby is the making of flowers from sweets. Flowers from sweets will be an excellent gift for any holiday, and beautiful bouquet of sweets decorate the festive table and the interior.

In order to make flowers from sweets with your own hands, you will need such materials:

  • various sweets in wraps

  • packaging materials (corrugated paper, cellophane, multi-colored film, packing tape)

  • floral tapestry tape

  • Scotch tape (ordinary and bilateral) of different widths

  • wooden toothpicks or barbecue sticks

  • soft foam or foam

  • containers for bouquets (pots, baskets, etc.)

As you can see, flowers from sweets do not require special expenses - all the materials can be obtained in the store of stationery or goods for needlework. You can use and improvised means - for example, place a bouquet of chocolates in a plastic pail from under the ice cream, decorating it.

Flowers from sweets are attached to toothpicks orsticks for barbecue. Flowers from sweets can be fastened to a toothpick (stalks) in many ways. We will tell you how to fasten flowers to a stalk of candies such as "truffle". The easiest way is to fasten the truffle to the stem using a tape. To do this, attach to the "tail" candy stalks, wrap around the wrapper and tightly thread the candy to the cuttings with a tap-tape.

You can primat candy to the cuttings, using wrapping paper or film. In order to reel truffle in a paper cylinder, take a rectangular piece of paper. Wrap the candy so that it is in the cylinder of paper. One end of the cylinder is wound around the handle and wind with a tape tape, as in the previous method, and the second (upper) with a ribbon. To make flowers from sweets in a cone of paper, roll a rectangular piece of paper dolls (as for seeds). Put the candy in a bag, wrap the paper around the handle and tape it with a tape.

So schematically should look like ready-made flowers from sweets:

Flowers from sweetsFlowers from sweetsFlowers from sweets

To make the flowers of the candies beautiful, follow our small tips:

  • When winding each new turn of tape should cover the previous half

  • it is most convenient to wind the tape tape by pressing its tip to the cutter with your thumb and rotating it

  • transparent packaging film used for sweets with a suitable color for the candy wrapper; otherwise, use opaque paper or cellophane

  • the flower from the candy should sit on the cuttings tightly

  • the size of paper for making a flower is about 13x20 cm

Ready-made flowers from sweets can be left as is, but you can make them petals from corrugated paper or packaging cellophane, to disguise the place of the connection of the flower with a toothpick (cuttings).

Having made the necessary quantity of colors, it is possible to start drawing up a bouquet of chocolates. The idea and composition of a bouquet is better to think overin advance, to determine the color range, the required number of sweets, the necessary materials for decoration and the capacity in which you are going to install the bouquet.

To insert flowers from sweets into a container,It is necessary to cut out a piece of foam or foam rubber in the shape of the container. He must densely enter the container without falling out, but be lower than it. The colors can be inserted into the container in different ways: symmetrically in a circle, symmetrical about the axis or asymmetrically. In addition to the actual flowers, you can insert additional decorative materials into the bouquet.

If the capacity for a bouquet of sweets is made from improvised materials and needs additional decorating, you can wrap it in paper or wrapping film, paint it with paint, cover with paillettes, seashells, etc. Very nice look pots, decorated in a technique called decoupage.

Ready it will be possible pack in transparent film. To do this, cut out the cardboard bottom and cut offlarge piece of packaging film. Spread the film on the table, put the bottom on top, and put a container with a bouquet on it. The ends of the film are lifted up, collect together and tied with a packing tape. A bouquet of sweets is ready!

Flowers from sweets are easy to manufacture, do not require large expenses, but very look great. Who knows - maybe over time an innocent hobby will grow into a small business of its own!

Bouquet of chocolates
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