Japanese garden

To start creating a garden in Japanese style follows from the project. The Japanese garden represents the harmony of the threeelements - stone, water and plants, so they should all be represented in your project. When designing a project, you take into account the shape, size, terrain and purpose of the site on which you will break the Japanese garden. The traditional Japanese garden consists of two parts, one of which is the main one. In the main part of the garden plants are planted, and the second remains relatively free - this allows you to play in contrast.
The foundation of the garden is stones, not without reason a garden in the Japanese style is also calledJapanese garden of stones. They stipulate its structure, and the creation of a composition of stones is considered a real art. The stones are placed diagonally, from left to right. The composition traditionally consists of an odd number of stones. For the Japanese garden, untreated stones of different shades are used, with time they are covered with moss and more organically fit into the landscape. Stones in the traditional Japanese garden symbolize stamina and strength.
The second integral element of the traditional Japanese garden is water. Waterfalls, streams and ponds give spacevolume and dynamism, and small bridges invariably delight the look. If you do not have the opportunity to build a real pond in the Japanese garden, do not worry - you can replace the water with sand or small stones. With the help of pebbles, you can simulate a calm, unhurried stream, and a rapid mountain stream. A playground filled with sand with drawn wavy lines will serve as a good alternative to the pond.
The Japanese garden is dominated by evergreen plants, both coniferous and deciduous. The Japanese love the pine (a symbol of longevity),magnolia, camellia, rhododendron. Brightly blooming perennial plants try not to plant, because the main task of the Japanese garden is to calm the person, to give him peace of mind, and color spots on a calm green background do not contribute to this. Plants are planted in such a way that at any time of the year the garden has something to admire. One plant withers - and another blooms. Japanese shrubs are popular in low-growing shrubs, but tall trees are also planted - pine, sakura, plum, maple.
Important decorative elements of the garden in the Japanese style are stone paths. To create a path stones, flat on one side and protruding - on the other, buried in the ground flat side up. Also in the Japanese garden there is always a place for stone lanterns (gata) consisting of several tiers of towers (pagodas) and stone bowls with water (tsukubai). Enclosure of the site with bamboo hedges. The boundaries of the Japanese garden should not be geometrically distinct, but smooth and natural.
The traditional Japanese garden is built on the principle of asymmetry, it should be as close toa natural landscape. Perfection in this case consists of small things, and even the most unattractive flower looks plays a role. Landscapes of the Japanese garden are always symbolic and subject. All elements are harmoniously combined, complementing and shading each other.
Of course, in our conditions it is difficult to break upa true Japanese garden with observance of all canons. But is it necessary? The main task of the garden in the Japanese style is to please the eye and soul of a person. Just find in your garden a calm and quiet corner and decorate it as it tells you in your heart, stylizing under the landscape of the Land of the Rising Sun.

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The foundation of the garden is stones, not without reason a garden in the Japanese style is also calledJapanese garden of stones. They stipulate its structure, and the creation of a composition of stones is considered a real art. The stones are placed diagonally, from left to right. The composition traditionally consists of an odd number of stones. For the Japanese garden, untreated stones of different shades are used, with time they are covered with moss and more organically fit into the landscape. Stones in the traditional Japanese garden symbolize stamina and strength.
The second integral element of the traditional Japanese garden is water. Waterfalls, streams and ponds give spacevolume and dynamism, and small bridges invariably delight the look. If you do not have the opportunity to build a real pond in the Japanese garden, do not worry - you can replace the water with sand or small stones. With the help of pebbles, you can simulate a calm, unhurried stream, and a rapid mountain stream. A playground filled with sand with drawn wavy lines will serve as a good alternative to the pond.
The Japanese garden is dominated by evergreen plants, both coniferous and deciduous. The Japanese love the pine (a symbol of longevity),magnolia, camellia, rhododendron. Brightly blooming perennial plants try not to plant, because the main task of the Japanese garden is to calm the person, to give him peace of mind, and color spots on a calm green background do not contribute to this. Plants are planted in such a way that at any time of the year the garden has something to admire. One plant withers - and another blooms. Japanese shrubs are popular in low-growing shrubs, but tall trees are also planted - pine, sakura, plum, maple.
Important decorative elements of the garden in the Japanese style are stone paths. To create a path stones, flat on one side and protruding - on the other, buried in the ground flat side up. Also in the Japanese garden there is always a place for stone lanterns (gata) consisting of several tiers of towers (pagodas) and stone bowls with water (tsukubai). Enclosure of the site with bamboo hedges. The boundaries of the Japanese garden should not be geometrically distinct, but smooth and natural.
The traditional Japanese garden is built on the principle of asymmetry, it should be as close toa natural landscape. Perfection in this case consists of small things, and even the most unattractive flower looks plays a role. Landscapes of the Japanese garden are always symbolic and subject. All elements are harmoniously combined, complementing and shading each other.
Of course, in our conditions it is difficult to break upa true Japanese garden with observance of all canons. But is it necessary? The main task of the garden in the Japanese style is to please the eye and soul of a person. Just find in your garden a calm and quiet corner and decorate it as it tells you in your heart, stylizing under the landscape of the Land of the Rising Sun.

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