Indoor flower begonia: home care

One of the most common "residents"windowsill - begonia. Experts have more than 900 varieties of this flower. In any form the plant fascinates with its shades and forms. Up to 3 meters in height can reach the most massive representative of this family. The smallest begonia in its turn hardly reaches several centimeters.

A bit of history

The birthplace of this amazing flower ismountainous areas, subtropical forests and the tropics of Asia, South America and Africa. The plant received its name in honor of M. Begon, who was the governor of Haiti.

If a wild plant cansee in the form of half-shrubs, bushes and grassy plants, then begonia at home is most often represented by hybrid varieties of a flower. These are ornamental-deciduous, ampel and decorative flowering representatives of this family.

Subtlety of care for a room variant of a plant

Indoor flower begonia: home care
Begonia: home care, photo

Indoor begonia care will be required correct andsystematic. When growing this flower, you should adhere to several important nuances. First of all, it is necessary to remember that the plant is trembling with its rest. Do not break it. Begoniyu better not put so that it can be hurt, and not rearrange.

To make the plant feel comfortable andactively grew, it is recommended to install it on the windowsills facing south-east and south-west. It is very important to install a pot of plant on a light area, but do not allow direct exposure to ultraviolet light. For a short period of time, the indoor flower of begonia under direct sun rays receives a severe burn.

Indoor flower begonia: home care
Begonia room: care, watering

Despite the fact that begonias are amateursbright light, the area with flowers should be shaded. The only exception is the ever-flowering variety of the plant, which is not afraid of heat and direct sun. This begonia is optimally installed on the windowsill, facing south. For her, the active sun will be healing. This type is very important to ensure the duration of a day of light not less than 14 hours. To do this, you need to install about a plant pot only one power source 60 watts.

Temperature and humidity

Indoor flower begonia: home care
How to care for begonia in a pot after purchase

No less important is the temperature regime forthe correct growth of begonia. The flower is very fond of warmth, so even in winter it is recommended to create conditions for it within 18 degrees of heat. The optimum temperature regime for the spring and summer months is 18-20 ° C. Despite the fact that the allowable heat amplitude for begonias varies from 13 to 20 degrees, do not allow a sharp temperature fluctuation. Often this leads to the dropping of the leaves of the plant. In rare cases, this can lead to the complete death of the flower.

In itself, the temperature regime is not so importantfor growing a plant. It is much more important to maintain a constant level of air humidity in the room, especially in the winter when heating works. It is necessary to carry out regularly:

  • removal of dry flowers;

  • Humidification of air through water filled containers, which are installed next to the plant pots;

  • pinching new shoots to make the crown more.

Indoor flower begonia: home care

Begonia can not be sprinkled, as this is fraught with the formation of ugly brown spots on the leaves of the flower.

Features of watering

In the summer it is recommended to water the rooms regularlyflowers: begonia does not tolerate drying out. In winter and in autumn, watering should be moderate. Overmoistening of the substrate in which begonia is grown should not be tolerated. It is recommended to water the plant only when the top layer of the soil dries for 1-2 cm. Drying and stagnant moisture in the plant pot with begonia are unacceptable. This is dangerous for the normal development of the flower. Watering should be done using soft and warm water, which was previously settled.

In a hot period, it is permissible to install flower pots with a flower in a box or on a tray on which moss or wet peat is spread.

Transplant rules

Indoor flower begonia: home care

Planted flower in the substrate, which is different:

  • high nutritional value;

  • looseness;

  • ease.

Begonia needs quality drainage. Optimal preparation of the soil for this plant from turfy ground, humus, peat, leaf earth and sand with observance of proportions 1: 1: 1: 2: 1/3. When a young flower is planted, it is possible to combine peat and leaf substrate in equal proportions. When using store-ready ground, it is recommended to dilute it with moss-sphagnum, which was previously ground.

The transplant is carried out when the previous potbecomes small flower. Usually this happens after 2 years. Annually in spring it is recommended to transplant young flowers: begonia grows quite rapidly. The substrate does not reach the edge of the pots. A pot is put on the window, where there is a lot of sunlight. This will allow the flower to quickly update. After only 40-50 days you can wait for the appearance of buds. In the process of transplantation, it is important to examine the roots of begonia for the presence of rot and pests.

Fertilizers and pest control

Indoor flower begonia: home care

Fertilize the flower is recommended only afteras it is formed buds. It is necessary to feed the plant since April. The frequency is 2 weeks. To do this, it is recommended to use a mineral full fertilizer, suitable for all flowering plants. To prepare a nutritious and useful "cocktail", it is recommended to dilute the cap of such a drug in liquid form in a watering can designed for 10 liters. Up to the middle of August it is necessary to fertilize begonia with such a means.

If the attack of pests was subjected to begonia, howcare for her in these conditions? Most often, it is a aphid or spider mite, which are located on the inside of the leaf. The pests feed on the juice of the flower, but from them, with certain efforts, one can get rid of them. To eliminate spider mites, it is recommended to use soap solutions of chamomile or tobacco in a weak concentration. The leaves of the flower can be washed or sprinkled. You can use in the fight against pests with insecticide or special compounds with the inclusion of pyrethrum. You can successfully combat aphids by the same means. It is important to remember that the tick actively multiplies under the influence of high temperatures and in dryness. To permanently rid the flower of pests, treatment should be carried out until their complete destruction.

It is recommended to monitor the condition of the lowerthe leaves of the flower and its core. As a rule, it is here that first of all rot and powdery mildew are formed. If signs of these diseases appear, you need to reduce the amount of moisture.

Growing decorative begonias, it is worth considering that they do not tolerate:

  • stagnant humidity;

  • tobacco smoke;

  • extreme heat;

  • drafts.

He does not like a flower when there are dried flowers on it. They should be deleted in a timely manner.

The life of this flower lasts from 1 to 3 years, if it is grown in room conditions. On the verandah or in the greenhouse begonia can grow up to 5 years.

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