Shepherd care at home, photo
Scheffler: home care, photo

Flower cheflera - the largest genus of allfamily aralievyh. There are almost 200 species of different shrubs, including small trees that grow in the tropical part of Asia and in Australia - these stragglers can be seen only in the photo. And only a few of them are grown as ornamental house plants.

Shepherd care at home

House flower of the chefler is unpretentiousa shrub that loves more diffuse light than the hot rays of the summer sun. In addition, the plant is able to develop normally even under partial shade conditions. Both green and variegated its forms are very poorly tolerated by heat. In too stuffy and dry rooms, the leaves of the chefler flower fall off, first yellowing.

The optimum temperature is 16-22 ° C. It is recommended that in the summer period the steward be carried out to the open air, but into the shade. In winter, the tree feels fine at a temperature of 14-16 ° C.

Shepherd care at home
Schefflera: home care

Together with the right placement, care for the home includes and optimal watering. It is important to know that the soil in the pot of this plant should always be slightly moist. Naturally, in the cold season, irrigation is more moderate. If the "roomy pet" hibernates in a warm room, then you should take care of increasing the humidity.

Suitable water for irrigation is a roomtemperature. In the period of active growth - from April to September - experts recommend to feed the shepherd flowers with complex mineral and organic fertilizers. In winter, no fertilizing is carried out.

Reproduction of the chefs

At home, the houseplant of the cheflermultiplies very difficult. As a rule, the reproduction of the evergreen shrub occurs by air layers, seeds or cuttings. As for the cuttings, they must always be treated with a special hormonal powder before planting.

Reproduction of the chefs
Scheffler: home care, photo, trim

The cuttings in the moistmixtures of peat and sand (proportions are equal). When rooted, cover them with a glass jar so that the inside temperature is approximately 20-22 ° C. You can also prepare a small greenhouse, in which the supply of fresh air will be completely limited.

Reproduction of indoor flowers by airplaneslayers also has its own nuances. First, on the trunk of the tree you need to make a shallow incision, rewind it with moss and cover it with a film. Moss should always be moist at the same time. Approximately after a couple of months, namely after the formation of the roots, the apex with roots is cut off and transplanted into a separate container.

After the airlifts are grown, do notHurry up to throw out the remaining plant. Cut the trunk under the root, cut the stalk regularly and after a short time it will give strong shoots that grow very well. Seed propagation of the chef can not be performed at home, it is used only for industrial purposes.

The main diseases and treatment of chefs

Unfair care for such a plant leadsto defeat it with thrips, shields and red spider mites. The first symptoms are manifested in the deterioration of the ornamentality of the plant: the shepherler slowly grows, discards the leaves.

The main diseases and treatment of chefs

At once we will notice, that the sick shampler is obligatorymust be isolated from healthy plants. The temperature of the content should be lower, but the humidity of the air is higher. If the infection is strong, treat the shrubbery with actelic or carbophos (15 drops per liter of water).

In addition, with abundant watering, the root system of the tree can rot, at low temperatures the plant discards foliage, and because of the drafts, the edges of the leaves become brown, etc.

Care of this houseplant is not difficult, and if you take care of the chef, it will become a real decoration of your house!

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