Lawn Care

Even the most expensive and created by all the rules a lawn will come to naught if you do not take care of it. You want your green area to grow,strengthened and brought joy to you and your guests? Then you have to carry out special procedures from time to time so that later on your lawn does not create unsolvable problems.

Haircutting, watering, fertilizing and weeding are the main measures for lawn care. Lawn care begins with the appearance of the first shoots. In the first year it is recommended to protect it fromdamage, walk on it as rarely as possible, do not allow pets, especially dogs, to approach it. It is necessary to feed your green carpet, starting with the planting. This is done with a special starting fertilizer.

<p <strong >> In the early spring, you also need to "add" the lawn of vitality.</ strong> During this period the most scarce chemicalelement in the ground is nitrogen. Therefore, with the first feeding, nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers, for example, ammonium nitrate (at a rate of 20-30 g / m2) are introduced. In the early autumn, phosphate supplementation is needed, which strengthens the root system.
</ p>

One of the most important care activities, which not only supports the appearance of the lawn, but is also a means of combating weeds, is a haircut. It must be done regularly (from the middle of spring tomid-autumn). The frequency depends on the type of sown herbs, weather, season, etc. Cutting green cover is best done 1-2 times a week, depending on the weather and climate conditions that affect the growth rate of grasses. For example, in the summer it is recommended to cut grass at least once a week, in spring and in autumn - 1 time in 2 weeks.

Never shear grass too short! The height of the haircut should be about 4-6 cmin spring and autumn, and in the summer about 3,5-5 cm. For each haircut, cut no more than 3-4 cm of grass. If you have been absent for a while on the site, and it is overgrown, it is better to mow several times, with an interval of several days, and gradually bring the grass to the desired height. In general, mowing is stress for a plant and it is easier for it to recover when you gradually cut several centimeters (2-4 cm). It is important the first mowing to make a sharp knife with a lawn mower to ensure the correct growth of grass.

Any lawn needs watering. If you do not water your green area, then itwill lose its brightness and will be a green-gray, green-brown tint. The absence of water leads to a gradual yellowing and the appearance of weeds. To determine whether a lawn needs watering or not, it is enough to walk along it: if the place of your footsteps does not immediately raise the grass, it's time to water it. But remember also that too frequent watering the lawn is more harmful to the grass.

At the usual time, the lawn needs to be watered once a week, in the drought period - up to 2 times. It is also harmful to lightly wet the surface of the lawnbecause, ideally, water should penetrate 10 cm into the depth of the soil. Water better in cool weather, when the water weakly evaporates. The best time for "water procedures" is evening or morning.

In spring and autumn it is recommended to comb the lawn with rakes to prevent the formation of felt. In autumn it is necessary to remove fallen leaves from the lawn - never leave them for the winter. Every year it is necessary to conduct mulching - distribution on the surface of a lawn of looseorganic substances. The mixture for mulching usually consists of fertile mineral soil, sand and a source of humus. Why is this procedure necessary? And then, to fill the small irregularities that have arisen during the season on the surface of the soil and eventually build up a good upper fertile layer.

Lawn Care
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