Bonsai - the art of growing an exact replica of a real tree in miniature - is becoming more and more popular today. Bonsai in Japanese means "plant in a bowl."

It is from the land of the rising sun that the art of bonsai spread all over the world, but contrary to popular belief, it originated not in Japan, but also in ancient China.

Initially, bonsai cultivation was available only to privileged members of society - emperors or noblemen. The first bonsai were much larger than modern ones. Traditionally for growing bonsai trees such as pine / spruce, juniper, maple, azalea / rhododendron were used.

Modern bonsai fans are usingpractically any kind of trees of deciduous and coniferous species. But since each tree needs its own special conditions and care, not all of them are suitable for growing at home.

To grow your bonsai, it is necessary to spend a lot of time and effort. To recreate a tree in miniature there are many different techniques, ignorance or mismanagement of which can lead to the death of a tree.

Therefore, newcomers can purchase in the store alreadyready bonsai, which then will only need to be maintained in the correct form. After acquiring certain skills, you can begin to independently grow your first bonsai.

In bonsai there are various traditional styles:

  • tekkan - a tree in this style has a straight trunk that thickens at the root;

  • mojgi - in this style a slight curvature of branches or trunk of bonsai is allowed;

  • sokan - "double trunk", bonsai, executed in this style, has two trunks, which can differ in size, and the common crown;

  • syakan is an inclined style, it resembles a tekkan, but only a tree grows at an angle to the ground;

  • kangai is a cascading style, it simulates the growth of trees near the water: the top is behind the pot and at a level well below the ground;

  • sekijoujo - "root on stone" - a tree (often figs) grows on a stone; The stem is directly on the stone, and the roots fancifully interlace it;

  • Icadabuki is a style in which all tree trunks grow from one root, forming a spreading crown;

  • and etc.

To form the right size bonsai apply pruning of branches, deformation with the help of copper or aluminum wire. Also bonsai must be transplanted approximately every two years, while removing rotten or damaged roots.

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