Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

Peach (Persian plum) is a relativealmond tree. All varieties of peaches belong to the Rosy family. Most of them reach 8 m in height and occupy the first place in industrial breeding and growing. The fruits of peach trees are included in the honorary troika of the most delicious in the world, along with mango and oranges. Most of Persica vulgaris belongs to heat-loving plants, therefore it needs special conditions and proper care.

Description: all representatives of culture can be divided into 4 specific categories:

  1. Peach ordinary - trees with pink or campanulate flowers and pubescent fruits;

  2. Peach Potanin, he is also Potanin's Almond;

  3. A fig-like peach is a plant with flattened pubescent fruits;

  4. Nectarine - a tree with glossy fruits, devoid of pubescence.

Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

All species differ among themselves by conditions,necessary for their quality cultivation. But at the same time, they may suffer from the same diseases and pests, which bring a lot of trouble to agronomists and breeders.

Peach sorts, resistant to curls

So far, many gardeners are tormented by the question: Are there varieties of peaches resistant to curly? Pears and apple trees have long developed immunity to scab, and peach trees still have to be sprayed to get rid of pests and diseases. And if it is easy enough to remove the aphids by special means, then it will be much more difficult to cope with the "heat deficit".

A few years ago, the trees saved peachesfrom the curly, warming the root system. Unfortunately, this method is far from ideal. Plants continue to suffer, but a little weaker and less often. The way out of the situation was the grades resistant to this disease:

  • Red Haven

  • Harou Diamond

  • "Volcano"

  • "Big Haney", etc.

But even this, it would seem, ideal varianthas its drawbacks. The yield of peach-resistant peaches does not exceed 12 kg per season. It is much more profitable to plant winter-resistant varieties and spray them with Strobi, Horus, Skor, preventing disease.

Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

Frost-resistant varieties of peach and nectarine

As the peach refers to southern plants,sensitive to the environment, not all species are suitable for growing under strict climatic conditions. So, gardeners of Russia and Ukraine should think about planting frost-resistant varieties. These include many representatives of Canadian, American, Polish breeding, etc. (good frost resistance).

  1. A variety of peaches "Redhaven". This guest from the US is perfectly adapted to our growing conditions. Juicy and delicious fruits of yellow-orange color with red spots ripen relatively early. Peaches of the variety "Redhaven" reach 150 grams in weight, the height of the tree is up to 8 m. The plant is resistant to curl, winter and spring frosts. If the agrotechnical equipment of the peach tree is not respected, they can infect various fungi.Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

  2. Peach sort "Collins" is a representative of culture,characterized by a generous harvest of large and juicy fruit with a sweet and sour taste. Ripening peaches is consistent, so harvesting should be done gradually, in parts. The plant is resistant to powdery mildew, curly, winter and spring frosts. Feature - the necessary agricultural technology, the need for regular watering, fertilizing, pruning, etc.Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

  3. Peach «Kiev early» - great forprivate gardeners and professional entrepreneurs. The fruits of early peaches are usually bright or light yellow with a pinkish tinge. Plant saplings are located in the suburban area immediately after the purchase, and at first pay special attention to it. This variety negatively relates to excess moisture in the soil, but it is sufficiently resistant to pests and diseases.Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

  4. Peach "Kremlin" - an early frost resistant variety,which perfectly adapts to any moderate conditions. Fruits are usually yellow or orange with reddish sides. The variety is weakly susceptible to low temperatures, many diseases and parasites.Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

  5. A sort of peach "Cardinal". Representatives of this category are distinguished by fruits with ideal taste qualities. The variety is not too frost-resistant, therefore it needs additional care. The plant should be regularly kept in tonus, fed, watered, shaped crown, pruning branches.Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

All of the above-described frost-resistant varieties of peach and nectarine can manifest themselves both from the best and from the worst, depending on the climatic characteristics of the growing region.

Peach sorts for the middle belt

In the middle zone of Russia, southern peachesprobably will not get accustomed. It is better to give preference to species zoned. You can also grow your own seedlings, planting bones, and then choose the strongest and hardest of the sprouts. Despite the fact that all varieties of peaches are considered self-pollinating, it is better to acquire at least two plants on the site (pollinator).

When choosing a peach sort for the middle strip isto clarify the period and the period of fruiting from the sellers. The shortest and early ripening varieties can be bought without fear for the specific climatic conditions. Recently, there have been good reviews of the Belgorod and Dnieper grades.

Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

For cultivation in more southern areas it is possiblechoose "early Kiev" and "early Fluffy", "Juicy", "Donetsk", etc. In the suburbs, planting and growing a peach "White Swan", "Veteran", "Golden Jubilee", "Greensboro" is allowed. The best varieties for the Kuban are the peach "Redheaven", "Abundant", "Krasnodar", "Collins", "Veteran". The most delicious and sweet varieties for Crimea are Greensboro, Juicy, Favorit, Redhaven, Sovetskiy, nectarine Kiev Early.

Peach: planting in the spring (video)

To grow a luxurious peach, planting in the spring should be carried out according to all the rules. When buying seedlings it is worth paying attention to several important points:

  • Age of the seedling (for a better survival choose one-year-olds);

  • The origin of the seedling, its adaptation to the local climate;

  • The state of the root system and bark.

For planting most varieties of peach raw andwetlands in the lowlands are considered unfit. Optimal location - the southern side of the courtyard with a high level of illumination. The distance to other seedlings or neighboring objects is not less than 3 meters.

Often when planting peaches in spring in the soilpreliminary make organic and mineral fertilizers. In poor soil - a mixture of 50 g of potassium chloride, 50 g of superphosphate, 300 g of ash wood and 7 kg of compost. In the fertile - a mixture of ash and mineral fertilizers.

Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

The size of the landing pit is 0.5 mx 0.5 mx 0.5 m. At the bottom lay a soil mixed with fertilizer, then put a seedling and fill the pit with earth. At the end of the process, the peach is watered (at least 30 liters), and the top layer is mulched with manure. After planting, the seedling is treated with funds from curly and powdery mildews.

In terms of growing all varieties of peaches in many waysare similar to each other. Care of the plant from spring to autumn includes high-quality additional fertilizing, watering, mulching, pruning, shaping the crown and, of course, harvesting when the fall comes. Buy in Moscow seedlings peach can from 250 rubles.

Likbez on varieties of peaches. For the middle zone of Russia, the Moscow region, the Crimea, the Kuban

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