The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

Cherry is a perennial tree plant,the homeland of which is the Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Due to its unpretentiousness, the culture successfully "caught on" in the domestic latitudes, and the beauty of its flowers has long been composed of songs and legends. Many from childhood remember the unique taste of cherry jam with gently pink "foam". Therefore, cherry is one of the most common fruit crops in Russia - today there are about 140 varieties known. What are the best varieties of cherries? Let's characterize the most popular of them.

Cherry varieties: names, features, photo

Variety: Cherry "Molodezhnaya" (with photo)

The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

Hybrid fecund, derived as a resultcross breeding varieties "Vladimirskaya" and "Lyubskaya". The tree is up to 2.5 meters in height, with sweet-sour fruits. The "youthful" cherry is juicy, with an easily detachable bone - perfect for cooking jam and jam. With a single tree or a bush, you can easily collect a decent crop - up to 12 kg per season!

Fruiting begins with four years, and the firstYou can eat some berries in the middle of June. A special feature of the variety is its resistance to diseases, strong domestic frosts and the ability to withstand transport.

However, gardeners should remember that this varietyrequires annual treatment with fungicides for the prevention of fungal diseases and fertilization with useful minerals (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen). In addition, the site for planting should be well ventilated and flat.

Grade: Cherry "Mayak"

The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

Refers to bush large-berry varieties withhigh yield and high "resistance" to pests and diseases. The height of the bush reaches 1.5 meters, which is extremely convenient for harvesting - it should be expected only 3 to 4 years after planting the seedling. From one bush you can collect up to 12 - 16 kg. Fruits are dark red, juicy, a bit "sour". Resistant to pests and diseases, and also withstands a cold frosty climate.

Grade: Cherry "Lubskaja"

The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

A low-grown, self-breeding variety with a wide crown andlong, oval, dark green leaves. Fruits are dark red, with sweet and sour pulp. Ripens after 2 - 3 years after planting, and from one bush it is possible to harvest 12 kg of cherry. Record - up to 50 kg! Cherry "Lubskaja" does not like freezing, therefore it is not recommended to use this variety in severe northern latitudes. Good harvests can be expected when planting on soils rich in mineral and organic fertilizers. Access to sunlight and wind protection are the main criteria when choosing a site for planting.

Grade: Cherry Turgenevka

The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

This variety is a good result of workdomestic breeders and is a tree in the shape of a pyramid about 3 meters high. It is a large-fruited dark-red cherry with a dense flesh and piquant sweet and sour taste. Among the merits of the variety can be noted the ability to withstand frosts and coccomicosis.

Variety: Cherry "Chocolate Girl" - low, sweet, yielding

The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

The "Chocolate Girl" was published in 1996 - lowThe early variety, whose fruits resemble cherries and ripen in mid-July. Dark maroon, sweet berries attract attention with their rich, appetizing color (like chocolate) and resemble cherries. The variety is frost-resistant and yields high yields - about 11.5 kg from one bush. However, "Chocolate Girl" is prone to fungal diseases and requires regular care. Garden rodents also "love" the bark of the cherry tree, so that it is better to wrap the tree trunks in winter with a cloth.

Grade: Cherry "Dwarf's Pin"

The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

One of the varieties of "Shpanka", derivedin Ukraine as a result of crossing cherries and cherries. Due to its resistance to frost, it "feels" well in our area. The fruits are large, dark red, about 1 cm in diameter. Fruit-bearing tree begins 5 years after planting. "Shpanka" does not require special care - it is enough to choose a fertile site with good lighting.

The culture is extremely rich in nutrients, microelements and vitamins, and the included alangic acid is able to prevent the development of cancer.

The best strawberries for our region here

Cherry varieties for the Moscow region, Flax. region and central Russia

Today the assortment of varieties is so extensive,that inexperienced gardeners are sometimes lost if necessary to make the right choice. After all, to get good harvests, the variety should be suitable for this area - in other words, the principle of zoning must be observed. Therefore cherry for the middle zone of Russia is unlikely to fit for planting in the suburban area near Krasnodar. And in the northern regions varieties with high resistance to frost are very good. So when buying seedlings, you need to take into account this important factor.

The best sorts of cherries for Moscow region: names, features, photo

You have a suburban site in the suburbs and desireto grow a cherry orchard? It is better to give preference to varieties with resistance to coccomicosis and moniliasis, as this disease is widespread in the central part of Russia.

Variety: Cherry "Vladimirskaya"

The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

Withstands domestic frosts and goodfructifies - it makes "Vladimirskaya" extremely popular. The height reaches 3 - 5 meters, the crown in the form of a ball. Berry maroon with small bones inside, sweet and sour, and are considered to be an excellent raw material for making jams and jams.

Variety: Cherry "Apukhtinskaya"

The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

The motherland of this late variety is c. Apukhtino (Tula region) - hence the name. Begins to bear fruit for the second year after planting. How to find out "Apukhtinskaya"? Fruits of dark red color with a brownish tinge in their shape resemble the heart. As a part of juice the high maintenance of sugar and free acids that gives to taste a note of piquancy and some astringency.

The best varieties of cherry for the Leningrad region: names, features, photo

Weather conditions in the North-West are not exactlypromote the cultivation of this crop, but you can still choose the right sort for planting. Resistance to frost and self-pollination - the main criteria for choosing a cherry for the Leningrad region. In addition, the soil should be slightly acidic, as high acidity negatively affects the growth and yield of the tree.

The best raspberry varieties for our region here

Variety: Cherry "Ural ruby"

The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

A low bush (up to 1.5 meters) with a wide crown anddark red fruits. The taste of cherries is sweet and sour, low in sugar content against a background of higher acid content. The beginning of fruiting falls on the fourth year after planting, and a year from one tree you can get up to 15 kg of berries. High winter hardiness and resistance to diseases make it possible for horticulturists to grow a cherry of this variety in the Leningrad region - with its capricious climatic conditions.

Grade: Cherry felt

The best varieties of cherry - description with photo

The most suitable culture for this region,Has a high winter hardiness, lack of root growth, excellent germination and early entry into the period of fruiting. It is obtained as a result of crossing different fruit crops.

The best pear varieties for our region are here.

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