Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

One of the most popular fruit treesis considered apricot. The varieties of this plant differ from each other not only in size, tint and taste of sunny berries, but also the ability to develop and actively bear fruit in various weather conditions. For the temperate climate of the suburbs and the middle zone of Russia, agro-technicians recommend choosing strong, cold-resistant trees that are not afraid of recurrent frosts and dry years.

Apricot: varieties for the middle band

  • "Hardy" - a modern harvest hybridlate maturation. Saplings develop rapidly and turn into medium-sized trees with a lush and dense crown. Abundant fruiting for 5-6 years after planting (75-80 kg from one tree). The mass of each golden-orange fruit is 30-40 grams.Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • Red-cheeked - a popular tall variety,fruit bearing for 3-4 years after planting. It shows excellent winter hardiness and easily tolerates summer drought. On the ripened bright orange fruits of the oval form, distinctive ruddy barrels stand out. The period of basic ripening is in the second half of July.Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • "Sunny" - a modern promising hybrid with high winter hardiness. Juicy yellow fruits with a slight hint of blush weigh from 35 to 45 grams and mass ripen in mid-July.Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • "The Triumph of the North" is an exclusively winter-hardy specieswith large (up to 55 grams) rounded orange-yellow fruits. It grows into a powerful and strong tree with an extensive crown and massive branches. The first crop yields for 4 years after landing in the open ground.Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • "Honey" - a high-friction resistant grade of freepollination. It grows up to 4 meters in height and creates a dense, mighty crown. Small (up to 15 grams) light yellow fruits have a juicy, sweet flesh and a delicate fruity aroma. From one tree for a season it is possible to collect from 20 to 25 kg of berries.

  • Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • "Snegirek" is the most suitable apricot varietyfor the middle zone of Russia. It tops the rating of frost-resistant seedlings, suitable for disembarkation in cold regions. It has a small height (from 1,2 to 1,5 meters in the adult state). From one tree per season, you can get from 8 to 10 kilograms of fruit. The compact, medium-sized fruit has a very dense juicy pulp and a pleasant, mildly sweet taste.

  • Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • "Cup" - a typical dwarf varietyone and a half meters high. Winter-resistant, high-yielding hybrid with a thick cup-shaped crown. Gently yellow fruit weighing about 25-30 grams of friable, sweet flesh and a pronounced pleasant smell.Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

Apricot: varieties for the Moscow region

  • "Iceberg" is a medium-sized frost-resistant variety withbranched crown. Blooms early, and begins to bear fruit in the last July days. The mature fruits differ in a neat regular shape and weigh from 22 to 24 grams. The small bone is perfectly separated from the juicy, delicate and extremely fragrant orange pulp, covered with a thin, glossy skinApricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • "Lel" - winter-hardy early-ripening variety of the newgeneration. It grows to a 3-meter height, forms a compact crown with weakly branched annual shoots. Gives small, round fruits, slightly oblate from the sides. Perfectly responds to vaccinations and from 3-4 years already brings a harvest.

  • Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • "Tsar" - one of the best apricot varieties forMoscow region. Calmly tolerates the harsh climate and cold winters, early ripens and gives an abundant harvest in the form of round, rich yellow fruits with a barely noticeable blush. The dense pulp of pleasant consistency has a sweet taste with barely perceptible sourness.Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • "Aquarius" - tall (up to 5 meters) seedlingvarieties of "Lel". He calmly experiences severe winters and droughty summer months. Gives a large harvest of sweet and juicy fruits of medium size. Ripen begins in the second decade of July.Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • "Countess" - very high (over 6 m) varietylate flowering. Fruits mature by mid-August. Very sensitive to weather conditions and temperature differences. Most of all he likes dry and hot summer. At such a time brings clean and externally attractive fruits weighing about 25 grams. In rainy and wetter periods, he often suffers from a bladder infection.Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

  • "Favorit" is a medium-sized (3-4 meters) lateripening appearance. Gives large rounded fruits with a thin, slightly pubescent skin. Pulp differs in good density, pleasant taste and a memorable aroma.Apricot, varieties for disembarkation in the suburbs and the middle strip of Russia

Apricot, landing and care in the middle lanes: video instruction

In this clip, the famous Russian agricultural technician andthe scientific consultant Petr Savelievich Sharkov tells in detail about the apricots of Alyosha and the analogues. Planting and nursing in the middle belt, peculiarities of breeding and the rules for choosing the right variety - all these issues are discussed in great detail and accessible to the understanding of amateur gardeners.

Apricot planting in spring or autumn?

Many gardeners are interested in what is best forapricot - planting in spring or autumn? The author of the video advises the autumn landing and tells in detail how to do it correctly. In this case, for weight loss is always one of the most important criteria for ready-made apricots is the price for the final product - apricot.

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