Afelandra: care and photoThe perennial potted plant of afelandra in cultivation rarely creates problems. In order to provide her with optimal care at home, it is necessary to observe the necessary parameters:

  • temperature of content;

  • lighting;

  • humidity and watering;

  • timely fertilization.

The temperature for growing this flower should bebe from 22 ° C and not above 24 ° C, during flowering and plant growth. After flowering the temperature should be lowered to 12 - 14 ° C. This allows the flower rest and prepare for the next season and abundant flowering.

The lighting for afelanders should be prettybright, but without getting direct rays of the sun on the plant itself. In the hottest time, from spring to late summer, it is desirable that there is always a diffused light. In the winter, direct sunlight is not so hot, and will not damage the leaves of the plant.

If you are worried about how to care foraphelandro, it should be remembered that this flower needs to be sprayed every two to three days. When there will be flowering, then sprinkle less often - once a week or a little less often.

Water this plant must be abundant in the summer three times a week, and in winter not more than once.

Fertilize should be in the period of growth once every two weeks, and during flowering every week.

Transplanting the aphelanders

In order to solve the problem of how to transplantAfelandra and not ruin it is necessary to prepare the right soil. For this plant, the sod soil is perfectly suited. Regular transplant, change of soil are needed to grow well.

Transplantation of aphelandriaYou can transplant more often than once a year, completely renewing the drainage layer and placing the plant in a new loose soil.

Reproduction of the aphelanders

Like most plants, spring aphelandraproduces many young shoots and needs pruning. These shoots can be used for plant propagation. Crop it as follows: select young shoots with a growth point and at least two healthy leaves.

Reproduction of aphelionCuttings cuttings take root in the soil consistingfrom 4 parts of a turf ground and one part of river sand. It is necessary to create hothouse conditions with high humidity and temperature of 21-24 ° C. For this purpose, the planted stalk is placed in a plastic bag or a special greenhouse for plants. After about a month, rooted cuttings can be transplanted and follow the above described care of the aphelandra.

The most common varieties are afelandra protruding, excellently blooming at home. The same applies to the variety of afelandra Denmark is also popular among florists.

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