Care for geraniumsGeranium is the favorite of many gardeners, because thisthe flower is not too demanding for living conditions, and easily grows in open soil. That is why on flowerbeds and in gardens you can often see beautiful decorative bushes.

The widespread plant has about 280 species, and the most popular among connoisseurs of flowering bushes today can be considered garden and royal geraniums.

The first type - the garden geranium has manyvarieties, it is unpretentious, refers to perennial plants, looks like a fairly compact tree, or rather a shrub with different size leaves and wide-open flowers. The diameter of the garden geranium flower is 2.5-4.5 cm.

Care for geraniums

The second type - the royal geranium representsis already a large-flowered pelargonium with wavy petals along the edges and a spot of dark color in the center of each flower. It was this spot that gave the name to the plant - as if the king himself had put a seal on the flowers. The diameter of the flower of the royal geranium is 10-15 cm.

Care for geraniums

On a note! There is a belief that a geranium living in a house saves a person from insomnia and stress, relieves fatigue and overstrain.

If you decide to grow geranium at home, take on a few simple but effective rules for caring for it.

Geranium garden - planting and care at home

Despite the lack of whims, garden geranium still requires proper care at home.

Soil - how to plant garden geranium

For a long and abundant flowering geranium betterpick up a fairly loose and fertile soil. Add manure and peat moss to the prepared substrate - they promote a good growth of the flower and allow the soil to breathe.

Planting geranium garden produce most often inopen ground, but if you want to grow this flower in the home, then fit a wide, but not too large pots. Experienced gardeners argue that for geraniums it is better to have a slightly cramped pot than a very spacious pot - only after filling the roots of pot space your pet will blossom.

Care for geraniumsCare for geraniums

Note! The root system of geranium grows rapidly in breadth, and the plant itself does not like transplantation - this must be taken into account when planting the bush.

You can plant geraniums with seeds or cuttings.

Care for geraniumsCare for geraniums

See the video instructions.

Care of geranium garden

Unadulterated geraniums can be immediately noticed amonga lot of other plants are long bare stems that no one pinches. This mistake is not only a budding floriculturist - some experienced flower lovers are afraid of hurting the plant, and just do not cut off unnecessary twigs. As a result, a rather large and branched plant grows.

If your geranium grows in the garden, in principle it does not need pruning - after the flowering period the inflorescences are hidden under the foliage, and do not spoil the appearance of the bush.

If your pet lives in a pot, caring for geranium at home assumes:

  • a well-lit place with a shade (in summer an excellent option would be a balcony)

  • moderate room temperature with regular airing (in the winter comfortable for geraniums is a temperature of 10-15 degrees)

  • annual pruning of old stems to 2-5 kidneys on each (suitable period for pruning is autumn)

  • removal of faded leaves and buds by cutting

Care for geraniums

Royal geranium - care at home

This kind of geraniums is well established in conditionspenumbra and pleases with very very effective colors. It is not too different from the garden, and perhaps the main features are the shortness of flowering of the royal representative of the family and dislike for the heat.

Care for geraniums

On a note! Small inflorescences appear on the royal geranium as a consequence of insufficient illumination.

Watering and sprinkling

Since the royal pelargonium (namely, itsstill called) does not tolerate the heat, as befits royal people, the royal geranium requires coolness at night and in the summer for a comfortable stay. Moderate watering and regular spraying on hot days is a guarantee of good health and bright flowering of the royal geranium.

The soil of the plant should not be dry, but also stagnantwater will adversely affect the root system and lead to disease. As for the second point - spray the leaves periodically until the beginning of flowering.

Another condition for the proper care of the royalpelargonium at home - feeding the flower in spring and summer once a month. In addition to turf, enriched with peat, geranium likes fertilizers with a reduced amount of nitrogen.

Reproduction of the royal geranium

Like any other variety of this plant,the royal does not like transplants. Once in two, or even three years will be sufficient. The first planting after breeding involves growing in one place for at least ten years - this will give the flower an opportunity to strengthen the root system, grow and begin to bloom abundantly.

Most often at home, geraniums are multipliedcuttings in the spring or autumn period - just then they make the circumcision of the flower. For this purpose, the top of the plant is best suited. Immediately after cutting, remove the 2 lower leaves, and put the shank in the water at room temperature. Keep the cutting in the water until the roots appear - 7-10 days. Only after this can the rooting of the cuttings be carried out - structured soil in a container of small diameter is suitable for this.

On a note! Before planting cuttings of the royal geraniumThe substrate is best disinfected with boiling water or a strong solution of potassium permanganate. It should be noted that the soil must dry within 48 hours after disinfection, and only after two days you can plant cuttings.

Care for geraniumsCare for geraniums

Well, the last point in the reproduction of the royal flower is the circumcision of the tip of the first stem of the newly planted cuttings by approximately 1 cm. This stimulates the growth of the lateral shoots.

Care for geraniumsCare for geraniums

Here such simple enough care in house conditions it is necessary to provide geraniums that the plant actively grew and pleased you with magnificent bloom.

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