How to properly care for garden roses

Garden rose - the real queen of the householdsite. But the queen is quite vulnerable and needs constant and painstaking care. On how to properly care for the garden rose, so that she enjoyed the whole season with luxurious flowering and delicious aroma, find out from our today's article.

Find a decent: the choice and planting of a garden rose

You need to start by choosing the right rose bush. Firstly, in order for the purchase to regularly enjoy abundant color and less pain, choose the largest bush from the presented seedlings that you like in the market or in the flower shop. It is large shrubs that are stronger and easier to take root in a new place. A small seedling of a garden rose will also get accustomed, but you will have to exert much more effort to make it stronger and blossom. Secondly, carefully examine the root system - it should consist of several roots. And, thirdly, ask the seller to cut the seedling properly before planting. This will significantly increase the chances that the plant will quickly take root.

How to properly care for garden roses

The quality of flowering largely depends on the placelanding. Garden rose very fond of the sun, but it does not endure drafts. Therefore, the best place to plant it will be the sunny side, closed from the wind by a high fence or wall of the house. Do not plant rose bushes in the lowlands or on a wet plot, because this flower needs at least six hours of bright sunlight.

How to properly care for garden roses

Grow the queen: the right care for garden roses

Need a garden rose and in frequent watering. When watering, make sure that water does not fall on the buds and the top leaves. If the bush of the rose is constantly poured from above, then the plant will simply fall ill. For example, rust on the leaves of a flower appears precisely because of water ingress. It is best to water the garden rose immediately after drying the soil, trying to moisten the soil well. After watering it is necessary to loosen the soil at the roots.

How to properly care for garden roses

In addition, the garden rose requires a regularpruning. The first pruning should be done in the spring: as soon as buds appear on the bush, you need to cut off all frozen and sick shoots to a live tissue with a sharp pruner. Trim the shoot over the external kidney at an angle. In summer the plant also needs care. Therefore, in time remove the faded buds, cut the broken and weak shoots, remove the diseased leaves. As for pests, the main enemy of garden roses is thrips. These are small insects that drink juice from buds, as a result of which the flowers wither and fall off. To get rid of this pest it is necessary with the advent of the first buds to start spraying shrubs with special preparations, which can be purchased in a flower shop.

How to properly care for garden roses

Like any other garden flower, the rose lovestop dressing. Begin the introduction of fertilizing under the rose bushes with the first watering. For these purposes, you can use as a ready-made complex fertilizer for roses, which will contain all the substances necessary for growth of bushes, as well as ordinary wood ash. To feed garden roses it is necessary several times a month, and with the beginning of August the introduction of fertilizing should be stopped, as bushes can lose frost resistance and simply die with the onset of cold weather.

By the way, about the cold. Approximately six weeks before the arrival of the first frosts, it is necessary to stop pruning roses and begin preparing the bushes for wintering. To do this, with the onset of a cold snap, the roots of roses are poured over the earth so that they do not freeze. If you want, you can hide the rose bushes with lapnik or special material for winter.

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