Tui reproduction at home: 2 best ways

Adornment of the adjacent territory or gardenThe plot will be a beautiful tree or shrub. An excellent choice for such a case can be thuya. This evergreen ornamental plant comes from East Asia, it has a dense crown and unpretentious care. Due to the ease of trimming the branches of tuja, you can create graceful natural forms. Because people planting plants on their own, it will be interesting to know what is the reproduction of thuya in the home.

Propagation of thuja at home by seeds

Progeny, obtained by the seed method,has greater endurance than plants propagating by cuttings. However, the process of growing a seedling is quite long - from two to six years. For planting, only fresh seeds that mature in cones are required. After the collection they are placed in a warm dark place, and after two or three days they are revealed. An obligatory condition will be their placement in wet sand. In a couple of days, the seeds will be planted in large pots or boxes with a specially prepared mixture: for this, peat and sifted sand are taken, three parts of turf ground. Then the tanks are transferred to the basement and left for three months. After this, the boxes (pots) are taken out and left in a warm place, without excess of sunlight. After the emergence of shoots, you should gradually accustom the plant to fresh air and sunlight, as shown in this photo.

Tui reproduction at home: 2 best ways

Transplant the plant should be in early summer,pre-fertilize the landing with a small amount of ash, peat and sand. In some cases, the collected seeds are left in the ground for the winter period, so that they lie under the snow (natural stratification). And then sow to a depth of 0.5 cm, sprinkled with coniferous sawdust. We need to protect the plant from sun rays, and cover the shoots with special shields. You can bait with a weak solution of slurry (one part of the manure for 20 parts of water). Approximately in a year and a half it will be possible to determine the type of plant growing - columnar or globular.

Tui reproduction at home: 2 best ways

How to propagate thuju at home by cuttings

The more widely known method of reproduction of tui in domesticby cutting the cuttings (cuttings). You need a lignified shoot with a length of 20 cm, it is better to cut it in late April, early May, in extreme cases - the second half of June. Cuttings are separated by cutting (it will be good if there is a part of the wood of the donor plant on it), then the bottom of the shoot is cleaned from the needles and immersed in water for 2 hours. Soil mixture must be made from equal parts of peat, turf and river sand. In order to disinfect the substrate, it must be treated with potassium permanganate. The harvested process is planted at a depth of 3-4 cm.

Tui reproduction at home: 2 best ways

Also, appropriate externalconditions for germination. The greenhouse should have sufficient humidity (70%), be sunny - therefore use a transparent hothouse cap. Do not forget about airing the square. To maintain the required humidity, use spraying.

In more detail with the described methods of breeding thuya you can find in the following video:

Now you know how the reproduction of the Tuiat home, and this will not cause any special difficulties. Following these tips, you can grow a beautiful ornamental plant, carry out their innovative thoughts on the design of the garden and the local area. And then Thuya will please you with his evergreen crown for many years.

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