PandanusPandanus Resort - evergreen tree, palm tree,shrub, native to the tropics of South Asia, Africa, the islands of the Indian Ocean. Pandanus leaves are narrow and long, with sharp spines at the edges. They are located on a truncated trunk in a spiral, hence the second name of this plant is a helical palm tree. In the house, pandanus is grown at a young age. When it becomes too large, it is better to move it into spacious rooms.

Pandanus is a palm tree

This plant from the family Pandanova, quitehigh, has a second name because of the external similarity with the palm tree. Quite not whimsical, at home grows fast enough and can take up a lot of space. Most often, it is kept only at home by the young, adult pandaus are better to grow in greenhouses or spacious halls. Blooms very rarely. It is easy to take care of it, sometimes it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, it grows well and develops indoors, it is undemanding to watering, lighting and humidity of the room.Pandanus

Home care

The windows are best for the pandanus,oriented to the west and east. The place should be light, slightly shaded. The lack of sunlight for a short time is easily tolerated by the pandanus. In autumn and winter, as well as in summer, good lighting is also necessary. You can also use fluorescent lights. The plant is afraid of drafts. For symmetrical development, the pot is recommended to rotate periodically.

Pandanus perfectly tolerates the room temperature at 19-25 ° C. And there is no difference between the temperatures for winter and summer content.

Humidity of air for this plantpreferably moderate. Spray and wash it can not, because water enters the sinuses and can provoke rot. Dust is cleaned with a dry cloth from the base of the sheet to the top. The plant has air roots that can not be removed. They need to be coated with moss, which is then periodically moistened.

In the summer, the pandanus needs abundant watering, butonly after the top layer has dried. It's good to use bottom watering. Water should always be warm and soft, settled. In autumn and winter, watering is limited to once in 2-3 days. Fertilize with liquid fertilizers in the spring-summer period, every 2 weeks.

Transplant the pandanus as needed. Its roots are fragile, so it's better to use a pass.Pandanus

Reproduction of the pandanus

Pandanus is propagated by seeds, cuttings anddivision of the bush. Only the collected seeds are sown in a lightweight substrate and kept under a plastic bag, periodically spraying and airing until germination. When the seedlings have several leaves, they can be planted. Cuttings are harvested from the side shoots. They are also planted in a substrate and are found before rooting under a packet or glass. In the adult pandanus, at the base of the trunk and in the sinuses, there are daughter rosettes with roots. They are dried and rooted in the sand, observing the required temperature-humidity regime.

Diseases and pests of the pandanus

The pandanus can dry leaves, it happensfrom low humidity in the room. The lack or excess of light contributes to the loss of the variegation of the color of the leaves. Pests, most often affecting the pandanus - scab, spider mites, chervets.

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