Homemade soap or soap production at home

Home soap has recently been usedpopularity. And it's not surprising, because for its production natural ingredients are used. In addition, making it yourself is not so difficult. Given the demand for home soap and the relative simplicity of its manufacture, many start to think about soap making as a business. And some have already adopted this idea, and the well-known collection of the Siberian cosmetics "Recipes of Grandmother Agafia" proves it.

What is needed for soap making?

Making soap at home at home opens wide horizons for creativity, but it requires certain material costs. Are used:

  • soap base - can be purchased ready or made by yourself;

  • base oils (olive, cedar and others);

  • dyes - ordinary food is used, which are widely available in stores;

  • containers for steam bath;

    On a note! The dishes used for soap making are unsuitable for cooking. Therefore, you need to allocate a separate container.

  • essential oils - you can choose the aroma for your own taste;

    On a note! Care should be taken when adding essential oils. Given their high concentration, in large quantities they are able to leave a chemical burn or lead to an allergy.

  • molds (preferably silicone or plastic, because of the glass will be difficult to get the finished product).

    On a note! If you take metal forms, soap components can react with them, causing corrosion. This will spoil the coating, and also affect the color of the product.

Some recipes use cosmetic clay, food products (oats, honey and others).

How to make a soap base: video

Use a ready-made soap base is more convenient, however, if you do it yourself, you can be sure of the absence of harmful components.

For a soap base you need to take the following ingredients:

  • coconut oil (50%);

  • castor oil (50%);

  • water and oil (33%);

  • alkali and water (calculated by special calculator);

  • surviving (3%);

  • glycerin (100% to the mass of soap).

How to boil soap at home from scratch for beginners, shown in the video.

Step by step process of soap making at home

On 100 g of soap base should be prepared:

  • 5 drops of essential oil and flavor;

  • 1/3 teaspoon of fatty oil;

  • 5 drops of the dye in a liquid form;

  • 3 teaspoons of chopped oats or other additives (eg honey).

Master-class soap making:

  1. The base is cut into pieces, transferred to a heat-resistant container and heated on a water bath (you can use a microwave oven).

    On a note! It is not recommended to bring the base to a boil, otherwise the process of polymerization of glycerin may begin.

  2. Add the dye (by drop) and mix.

  3. Add flavor and mix again.

    On a note! To avoid a clear soap, you can add to the resulting mixture of 1/3 teaspoon of titanium dioxide diluted with water.

    Homemade soap or soap production at home

  4. Everything is poured into a mold to solidify.

    On a note! The ideal temperature for the base is 70 degrees. If it is higher, the shape can be deformed.

If bubbles form on the surface of the finished product, you can get rid of them by spraying alcohol. Soap freezes literally in 20 minutes, after which it should be got from the mold.

Homemade soap or soap production at home

To make baby hand soap, the base is rubbed on a small grater. After that, the following actions are performed:

  1. The base oil and glycerin are heated (2-3 and 1 spoon, respectively) and a soap base.

  2. When the mass begins to resemble a batter, an essential oil (a few drops) is added.

  3. The mixture is poured into molds, cools down a bit and is placed in the refrigerator.

When the product has solidified, you need to wait two days for it to dry, and then use it for the intended purpose.

Video: lessons on making soap from remnants.

Soap making - is it really possible to make money by cooking soap?

Soap production can become profitablebusiness if you approach it wisely. This is a product that is in demand. Despite the fact that its cost is higher than that of a store product, buyers value quality and naturalness.

Before thinking about creating your own business,you need to test your strength, practice trying out different recipes. It should be ensured that the resulting soap is suitable for sale. Otherwise money for soap making will be wasted. At first it is recommended to make several samples for a sample. If they are evaluated on the positive side, you can start organizing your business. But do not forget that it includes a lot of nuances, from design and ending with the search for points of sale.

Photo of home soap

Given the variety of forms and additives, you can prepare soap for every taste.

Homemade soap or soap production at home Homemade soap or soap production at home

Christmas trees, butterflies, bears, fruits and other forms, as well as various pictures - children will be delighted.

Homemade soap or soap production at home

The main advantage is the use of natural components.

Homemade soap or soap production at home Homemade soap or soap production at home

Soap making is a laborious work, the finalthe result of which depends on many factors. It can not be obtained right away, but with time the technique will be mastered. To organize a business in the production of this product, you will have to make a lot of efforts, but the final result can justify them with interest. For this it is recommended to watch training videos and how to train. After all, the best theory is practice. If the goal is not to open your business, you can just do homemade soap for yourself.

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