Homemade soap with your own hands

Home handmade soaps have several important advantages. First, it does not contain preservatives and stabilizers: it simply does not need them, because suchSoap does not need to be stored for years, as it is done in storehouses. Secondly, homemade soap is prepared according to individual taste and needs, which means that it contains only those ingredients that are needed in each specific case. Finally, thirdly, soap cooked at home has a different shape, color, which makes it very decorative and allows you to act as a great gift to friends, relatives, co-workers, etc.
Make soap at home can be in several ways. So, you can cook soap from the ready-made barbaby soap (it is hypoallergenic and does not contain fragrances), from a special soap base or from fat and alkali. Each of the ways home soap has some features.
Brew soap at home from baby soap This is the easiest way to get a beautiful anduseful product. This way of home soap making is good for beginners. To prepare soap with your own hands, this way requires several blocks of baby soap, any liquid (water, milk, herbal decoction), base oil (essential oil), essential oils and various additives (coffee grains, dry medicinal herbs), if desired.
Brusochki baby soap rub on the grater, thenthe received mass is put on a water bath. To the soap, a base oil is added, then, with stirring, a prepared hot liquid is added. Stirring continues until the mass becomes homogeneous, without lumps.
When the soap mass becomes homogeneous, you can add various ingredients to it: Ground coffee beans, honey, etc. Next, you need to quickly add a few drops of essential oils to the mass, mixing thoroughly. The finished mass is poured into the molds and then cooled to room temperature. After that, the soap should be left for 1 or several days in a cool place.
Homemade soap from a ready soap base brewed almost the same way, just do not need to addoil-base in the process of soap making. The soap base melts in a water bath, water, milk or cream for dilution is added. Molten mass is removed from the water bath, into it with constant stirring any ingredients are added at will: natural dyes, essential oils, glycerin, medicinal herbs. Further, the mass is poured over alcohol-sprinkled molds and left for 2 to 3 days at rest to freeze.
Soap with your own hands at home can be prepared from scratch, ie directly from alkali and a mixture of fats. You can thus prepare home soap in two main ways: hot and cold. These methods are very similar to each other, but they have some fundamental differences. So, the cold soap must necessarily be ripened for about 6 weeks, but hot soap can be used immediately after hardening.
And for cold, and for hot ways of home soap making need the same set of tools and materials: oilcloth for protection of the working surface,electronic scales, heat-resistant glass beaker, glass pan, thermometer for high temperatures, blender, coffee grinder (optional), protective equipment (gloves, respirator, glasses, cap), wooden spatula for stirring. Also need molds for ready-made soap, paper towels, food film, petrolatum oil, auxiliary containers, vinegar (to neutralize the action of alkali in case of contact with the skin).
Homemade soap with your own hands "from scratch" cooked from a mixture of vegetable oils, for example, coconut, olive, palm and etc. As alkali, sodium hydroxide is used (it is also caustic soda or caustic soda). It should be remembered that in the process of soap making, an alkaline solution is prepared from caustic soda and water (or other liquid), with which it is necessary to work with extreme caution. All tools or utensils with which alkali comes in contact must be plastic or glass.
According to the recipe for home soap ingredientsare weighed to the nearest 0,1 g. Prepared oils, if necessary, are melted in a water bath, mixed. Then an alkaline solution is added to the oils. The mass is removed from the water bath and with constant stirring is brought to the state of the track, when the consistency of the mass is such that, after carrying out an object on its surface, there remains an appreciable trace.
If a cold soap-making method is chosen, thenThis stage can add to the soap mass all the necessary additives, decompose the mass of molds and leave the soap until full maturation. In the hot method, after soaking the trail, the soap mass must be returned to the water bath and cooked for another 2 to 5 hours at a temperature of approximately 60-65 ° C. After cooking, the right ingredients interfere with the soap mass and it decomposes into molds. You can use ready-made soap the next day.
Homemade soapprepared by one of theseways, is not just a cosmetic means, but a real little masterpiece of a great soap art. Such a soap will please with its useful qualities, beautiful appearance and the consciousness that it is possible to make such an unusual thing in the home at home without much expense</ b>.