How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

Everyone dreams of home comfort and coziness. In general, the whole situation in the house contributes to this. An important role is played by comfortable slippers. To ensure for yourself and your loved ones the real convenience, it is recommended to link them yourself. On the one hand, it's a good time to spend time, because, as you know, this kind of needlework is soothing. On the other hand, it is quite simple to do this. Step-by-step instructions for beginners with photos will help to carry out the conceived.

Necessary materials and tools

The main tool for knitting homemade slippersare knitting needles. Their thickness determines the density of the future product. For example, if you plan to knit lace slippers, you will need thick knitting needles. For warm and durable tracks, thin needles are always necessary. They can be connected with or without a fishing line.

How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

As a material for knitting slippersthere is a yarn. It is important that it is strong, not shed, not blurred, and pleasant to the touch. Otherwise, it will not be possible to create a high quality product. The most suitable yarn is with the addition of synthetic yarns. If you choose a clean coat, the slippers will turn out to be prickly and slippery.

Additional tools and materials - scissors, a needle, a centimeter tape, a hook.

Size of slippers

There are different schemes of knitted house slippersknitting needles, and the choice of size depends on this. If you make a product in the form of tracks, measurements are carried out in the same way as when knitting ordinary socks. In this case, you can use the data from the table.

How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

In other cases, when home slippers use a dense sole or insole, the size is determined as the size of the shoe.

Step-by-step instruction for knitting children's slippers with knitting needles

Knit slippers with knitting needles for each memberFamily, from the newborn to the grandfather and grandmother. In this master class there is a female version of the tracks, which is suitable for the girl. The main thing is to choose the right size. You will need a green thread of two shades: dark and light.

Below is a step-by-step instruction for beginners with a photo and description, guided by which you can knit slippers with knitting needles:

  1. You need to start with the calculation of loops. They will need to dial 31 dark green thread.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  2. Knit 2 rows of facial loops withoutcape. Get a garter stitch. After that, you must attach a string of light shade and make 2 similar rows. Then again, 2 rows of knit with garter stitch, using a dark thread.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  3. Next, you need to knit a row of light green thread in this way: 1 loop is tied with the front, 1 - is removed. Such alternations must be made up to the middle of the row (up to 16 loops).How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  4. From the middle of the canvas you need to make a shell. To do this, you need to knit 1 facial, nakid, 1 facial, nakid and so on, until you get 9 loops. The remaining half of the series is tied like the first.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  5. The next row continues knitting, as in paragraph 3 (until the middle of the row). Then 1 loop is removed, 1 is sewn until the row ends.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  6. The next row should be knit like this: Loops that are tied up, do facial, and those that are removed, again removed. In this case, the thread is in front of the loop. The shell itself is made with the help of facial loops without a crochet.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  7. Next, 2 rows should be tied with a dark thread around the face loops.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  8. The following series are repeated until it turns outrequired number of shells. In this example, there are five. Do not forget that in each row the center will be different, since the addition is being made with the help of nakids. Thus, after the fifth element, there will be 71 loops on the spokes.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  9. When all the shells are ready, you need to knitwith 2-row knitting needles, using a thread of dark color. Next, you need to 4 alternate 2 rows of different shades. All this is done garter stitch.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  10. The tip of the slipper is ready, now with the same spokesshould begin knitting soles on the principle of "heel." For its width, only 9 loops are sufficient. The sole is made with dark yarn. Given that at the moment there are 71 loops on the spokes, it is necessary to tie first 31 garter stitches, and the next 9 so: 8 - front, 9 - together with 10 face loop.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  11. After that, the product turns around the other side, the first loop is removed, 7 - front, 9 with the 10th - the reverse loops.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  12. Then the canvas, from which the slippers will be created, will be turned over again by the other side and the actions will be repeated until the loops on the sides terminate.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  13. Now it's time to tie the back of the slipperknitting needles. To do this, you have to repeat the pattern of the side. The beginning of the backdrop comes from the bottom of the product. In other words, it is necessary to execute 2 rows with a dark thread, then 2 rows of light, then again 2 rows of dark thread, and so on. To act as follows: the first loop is removed, the remaining loops that are on the spoke, are tied with the facial ones, the latter - it is tied with the front along with the loop of the side row.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  14. Then turn the canvas with the other side. The first loop is removed, the rest are tied face up to the end of the row, the last loop is tied together with the side.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  15. Thus, the knitting continues to the end, adhering to the pattern.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

  16. It turns out such an interesting backdrop, as in the photo.How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

Slippers, knitted with knitting needles, are almost ready. It remains to close the hinges, cut the thread, hide the tips. Now you can admire the product made by yourself.

How to knit homemade slippers with knitting needles

For this master class, you can knit anyslippers with knitting needles, only use a yarn of a different color, another pattern. In quality it is possible to not doubt, if carefully to approach to a choice of a thread and to process of binding with all responsibility.

Video for beginners: how to knit slippers with knitting needles

Home slippers, connected with their own hands, notare in no way comparable to the purchased products. In addition, they are original, they can be completely created to their own taste, use a favorite pattern, ornaments, and so on. Slippers, knitted on knitting needles, are comfortable and warm.

Below is a video lesson for beginners. It will help to connect the tracks, which will always be warm.

Not necessary for making slippersUse knitting needles with knitting needles. There are a lot of patterns in which it's time to get confused. Some needlewomen prefer solely hosiery. According to them, such products look more attractive.

In the video, you can see how to tie slippers with knitting needles.

Do not be afraid of experiments. Experienced needlewomen can easily come up with their own pattern and tie slippers, knowing the basic technique of execution. Below on the video you can see the lesson on knitting of female footsteps with embroidery.

Slippers, made by own hands, can not only warm up all members of the family. It is also a unique gift, which will be a pleasant surprise for any culprit of the celebration.

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