Small architectural forms for the garden

In landscape design there is such a thing as "small architectural forms" - Small structures that are installed on the site as decorative elements, at the same time performing certain functions.

Various types of arbors and pavilions, arches,pergolas, bridges, garden furniture, sports complexes, containers of unusual shape, flower pots, playgrounds, sculptures - all this makes your garden bright and unique.

They make space volumetric, give the site style, originality and coziness.

Small architectural forms can to divide the garden into zones, to serve for rest and convenient movement, to create a shadow, to be used for the reception of guests or simply to be elements of decor in the garden.

They can be bought in special shops or made by themselves.

It is important that these elements correspond to the chosen style of your garden (regular, landscape, rural, modern, Japanese, etc.).

To date, there are a huge number of options, sizes, materials, styles for such architectural forms. It all depends on your tastes and the area with which you can experiment.

Such architectural and building elements as pergolas and trellises optically divide the garden into separate parts or, on the contrary, connect it to a single whole.
As a rule, trellises and pergolas serve as a support for climbing plants and allow additional vertical decoration even in the smallest garden.

The pergola is a construction ofrepeating sections, which are interconnected by transverse bars. If properly placed pergola, it, firstly, organizes space, and secondly, protects from scorching sun rays, which is especially valuable during the summer heat.

Very stylish look arches. They, as a rule, serve for registrationtransitions between different garden zones. The arch can also be placed at the beginning of the path or at the entrance to any garden zone, you can use the arch to make an entrance to the house. In the garden areas you can see arches with a flat arch, gable, semicircular, lancet or gothic.

The bridges - also an effective element of decor, but place themnot in all areas, but only where it is justified, most often in landscape style gardens, in the eastern gardens. The bridge itself presupposes the presence of a reservoir, a stream or a "dry" stream, as well as just depressions in the earth (ditches, ravines). The bridges are made in different styles and are made of different materials. For example, curved bridges, with low handrails of red color, made of wood, or zigzag-shaped, or step-like from flat stones, are suitable for a Japanese garden. In the landscape garden, bridges are often made through a creek in the form of a stone slab.

As decoration for flowering plants are used simple and complex in form flowerpots, which are stationary and portable. As a material for the production of the flowerpot, wood, metal, concrete, brick, plastic, etc. can be used.

Scrofula rose, sweet peas, nasturtium, clematis - all these climbing plants require supports.

As a rule, for this purpose, Tripods - Metal or wooden structures, as a rule, not too high and not necessarily with three "legs".

The supports are trellises - Wooden or metal screens and frames with stretched along or across the wire, to which the plants are tied up as they grow.

Virtually any object that has a recess for planting plants and a hole for water drainage can be used as a container Location on. Therefore, the unusual shape of containers with plants planted in them, too, can refer to small architectural forms. Often such containers are included in complex compositions from plants.

Small architectural forms for the garden

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