Easter compositions with own hands
Easter compositions, made by themselves, can become an excellent decoration of the festive table. Several ideas of Easter compositions are offered by the Country of Soviets.

Usually Easter compositions are made from the indispensable attribute of the holiday - colored eggs. And already the "frame" for eggs can be anything - a basket, a nest, all kinds of supports, a wreath.

Very stylish look, for example, Easter compositions from eggs in pots. For their production, you'll need an egg, small pots, two-sided colored paper, glue, paste, Floral Foam (or any other excipient of the pot).

Fill the pot with a floral sponge orby any other suitable material by about two thirds. From the green paper, cut out the strip and make narrow cuts on it (to make an imitation of the grass). Glue the "grass" to the inner wall of the pot, so that she seemed to grow out of it.

Cut out the flowers from the colored paper and paste on the egg. In the center of flowers you can paste rhinestones. If you do not want to suffer with applique, you can simply paint Easter eggs with flower patterns. Now it only remains to place the egg in the pot. It is best to make several such pots and arrange them around the table.

Very nice looking Easter compositions in the form of trees on which "Easter eggs" "grow". To do this, you need a branch that will beto represent a tree. You can take a dry branch and strengthen it in a pot with gypsum. But more in the spring will look like a branch with blossoming leaves. To do this, you need to take a branch with kidneys and in advance to put it in a vase of water.

Hanging on the branches you need hollow eggs. In order to extract the contents from the egg,You need to shake it vigorously so that the yolk is mixed with the protein. Then, make the eggs on the opposite ends of the egg on the hole and gently blow the contents out of the egg. After that, decorate the egg in any technique - at least painting, at least quilling, at least decoupage.

It remains to hang the eggs on the branches. There are two ways to do this. you can use special holders for Christmas toys. The holder must be carefully inserted into one of theholes through which you blown yolk and protein (perhaps, the hole will have to be slightly expanded). And then tie a ribbon to the eyelet of the holder. And you can just thread the ribbon through both holes, fixing on one side on a knot, bow or bead.

Do not forget about the traditional easter compositions in the form of nests. Nest can be weaved from vines or fiberssisal. In the woven nest, put a few eggs. You can put colorful eggs, and you can make a stylish composition in one color range, when both eggs and nest are painted in different shades of the same color. As a final touch, you can "put" in a nest of a toy chicken or Easter hare.

Instead of a nest, you can use traditional Easter basket. If it is too deep, you can use it inAs a filler, the same floral "oasis" or sisal. You can additionally use flowers in the composition. So that they do not wither, you can take live flowers in pots: put a pot in the basket, fill the remaining space with sisal, and already lay the painted eggs on top.

It is worth putting on a festive table and Easter compositions from real flowers. It can be just bouquets in a vase, but you canuse a floral sponge. It should be evenly impregnated with water (not under a tap, but immersed in a basin) and put in a suitable container. After that, flowers are stuck in the oasis. When composing the composition, make sure that the flowers are combined in color and height. On Easter, it is best to give preference to spring flowers, exotic to use it is not necessary. Also, do not rip for the compositions of rare flowers listed in the Red Book.

Easter compositions can be made from a variety of materials. The main thing - to show imagination, then you can really unusual and beautiful decorate your apartment on the eve of the bright holiday of Easter.

Easter compositions with own hands
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