Diseases of indoor plants: viral diseasesDiseases of indoor plants are very numerous. It is often very difficult to determine what caused the disease: pests, bacteria or fungi. But plants are also affected by other equally dangerous unicellular creatures - viruses. Of course, there are not so many viral diseases of plants. But this does not mean that your plants are completely protected from their effects.

To begin with, it should be noted that virus diseases of indoor plants is very difficult to treat. It is very difficult even to identify the pathogenvirus disease of the plant. At the moment, there are no drugs for the treatment of viral diseases of plants, and treatment with various chemicals does not yield any results. Therefore, it is much easier and safer to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it.

Various sucking insects, such as aphids, scutes and thrips, are carriers of viruses. But most often the plants turn out to beinfected already in the greenhouse, where they grow. Thus, in the store, you can already buy a flower that is infected with one or another virus. Fortunately, the diseases of houseplants caused by viruses are few. But sometimes the manifestations of the disease can confound even an experienced florist. We will tell you about known virus diseases that you may encounter.

Mosaic disease

Mosaic diseaseMosaic disease is caused by various viruses. But the manifestation of the disease is always the same - the appearance of mosaic spots of varying size and shape on the leaves. When a mosaic disease is affected, it is alwaysthere are certain symptoms that indicate the development of this particular disease. Mosaic coloring of plants is very difficult to confuse with any other disease, because on the leaves appear arcs, strips, dashes, meandering lines or rings of green colors of various shades. But the color change can also be accompanied by a change in the structure of the leaves: curly, wrinkled or threadlike.

Mosaic diseases of indoor plants do not always manifest themselves very brightly - it all depends on the type of virus. And in some cases, there is also no stoppage of plant growth. In addition, with good care and constant feeding, mosaic patterns on leaflets can not be seen. And only on young leaves you can see a characteristic mosaic. Most often, the mosaic disease of indoor plants affects pelargonium, primula, calla, hydragea and begonias.


JaundiceYellowing of leaves, or jaundice, Is another viral disease thatvery strongly depresses any plants. Common manifestations of jaundice are the same: yellowing of leaves, ugliness of flowers and stunting of plant growth. Yellowing of leaves or the acquisition of a yellowish color is caused by the accumulation of starch. Jaundice affects not so much the leaves themselves, but the vascular system of plants. Because of this viral disease, the hypertrophy of the sieve tubes develops and many cells die. As a result, the outflow of nutrients does not occur from the leaves of the plant. Leaflets feel tougher. Very often, when bending a fox, it can break with a crunch, and in some cases they do not crumple under compression.

Jaundice completely affects the vascular system of the plant, so it is very strongly oppressed. In some cases, typical mosaic patterns in the form of circles or spots may appear on plant leaves.

As it was already written a little earlier, virus diseases of plants can not be treated. Therefore, it is desirable to completely destroydiseased plant. Used equipment should be immediately rubbed with alcohol. Hand after contact with a virus-infected plant should be washed with soap. Sometimes, if the plant is not very badly hit, you can simply break off the infected leaves or twigs. But in this case, there is a great risk that the virus will spread to other plants with the help of sucking insects.

Diseases of indoor plants: viral diseases
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