Diseases of indoor plants: pests (part 1)Like any other living entity, eachthe plant can get sick. Even being in a house where there are no pests, you can not always save your flowers from various infectious agents. We describe diseases of indoor plants and methods of dealing with them.

All diseases of plants can be divided into several groups. It all depends on what kind of pathogenbecame the cause of the disease of the plant. It can be various pests, viral or fungal diseases. The fight against pests and diseases can last very long. And, unfortunately, if the disease is at a late stage, a favorite flower can not always be saved. In more detail, we describe the various diseases of houseplants, their pathogens and methods of struggle.

Very often, various diseases of indoor plants are caused by nothing more than pests. Under the term "pest of house plants" always mean very small bugs and ticks that settle on flowers. The most dangerous is the spider mite.

Spider mite

Spider miteSpider mite - this is a very small spider of red-brown ordirty white, which settles on the underside of the leaf. The tick develops quickly enough: from 12 to 23 days - it all depends on the humidity and air temperature in the room. Adult individuals envelop the corners of the leaf with a transparent cobweb, under which they live. The cobwebs are polyphagous - they can feed on the juice of almost all indoor plants, and especially damage cacti, primula, palm, lemon, ficus, a room rose, hydrangea, and aspidistra. Adult individuals and larvae feed on plant juice, which is sucked through micro punctures on the leaves. Small yellow spots are places where pincers pierce a leaf of a plant and drink juice. Later, the entire leaf becomes yellow and dries.

To combat the spider mite used various drugs: Nurell-D, Maurice and Vertimek. Handle not only the damaged plant, but also all the flowers that are in the house.


ShieldShield - another pest that causesvarious diseases of houseplants. These little bugs infect almost all indoor plants. Speaking about the scabbard, it should be noted that there are different types of this pest. On various plants you can see a variety of shapes, colors and sizes of scutes. Large brown scabbards settle on ferns. On asparagus, for example, the scabbards are white in color.

The Shields lay a huge number of eggs on the plant. But do not forget that this pestSprays his stool on the leaves of the flowers, making them sticky. Thus, the respiratory stomata are clogged on the leaves. The defeat of the billboard causes other diseases of houseplants. So, on the sticky mucus often settles the sooty mushroom, which clogs all the open pores of the plant.

Shield is a sucking insect, for the derivation of which you can apply the same methods of control as for arachnoid and aphids. To combat young mobile insects andlarvae can be applied by spraying. But the old insects should be cleaned from the plant with a hard brush. For 3 weeks, every 5-6 days, wash the plant with a solution of the vertical.


ThripsThrips, or bladder, Is a small insect with a length of 1-1.5 mm. Thrips are polyphagous and settle on various houseplants. These pests always stay in small groups. The thrips lay their eggs in the leaf tissue, from which, after 8-10 days, small larvae of about 1 mm in length appear. Rapid spread of thrips contributes to high temperature and dry air.

Thrips feed on leaf juice. The leaves damaged by thrips becomecolorless. On the edges of leaves, you can see numerous holes - proboscis punctures. Damaged leaves often have a silvery tint caused by the penetration of air into empty plant cells. On the bottom of the sheet, the lesions may have brownish-brown spots. To combat thrips use the same control measures as with a spider mite.


WhiteflyWhitefly Is a small insect that has a yellowish bodycolors and two pairs of wings. Larvae and adult insects feed on plant juice, piercing leaves, cuttings, and less often stems. Damaged white-winged leaves turn yellow and discolor, sometimes fall off. On sugary isolations of whitefly, other diseases of houseplants can develop. So, the black mushroom settles on these secretions, as a result of which the process of photosynthesis of the plant is disrupted. In addition, the whitefly also carries other viruses. Most often whitefly lays on plants with soft leaves: balsam, fuchsia and others.

Fight with whitefly can be suitable insecticide: aktellikom, kofidorom, fufanonom, fosbotsidom,verticillin G and others. The whitefly larva is insensitive to the action of the insecticide, therefore it is recommended to re-treat the plant after 2 weeks. Adult whitefly and larva are very sensitive to low temperatures. To combat this pest, you can put the plant in a cool room with an air temperature of 14-15 ° C.

About the other no less dangerous pests of houseplants you can learn in the continuation of this article.

Diseases of indoor plants: pests (part 1)
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