How to make a box by yourself: a master class with video and photo

If we produce square boxesindependently there is no need, then in round and curly boxes the skilled workers always experience a deficit. To make a package of this form can be at home from ordinary materials at hand. In our article there is a unique master class for making round and figured decorative boxes with our own hands.

Gift box with your own hands: simple schemes

First of all, it is necessary to prepare stencils forboxes of paper. There are a variety of schemes for creating this type of souvenir. Gift packaging can be rectangular, round, and shaped.

Today we use boxes in everyday life, and forwork, and as a gift. Meanwhile, these things appeared in our civilization relatively recently - in the 18th century. Their predecessors were cumbersome wooden boxes. Prefabricated same designs came up with the Scot Robert Geyer, who needed light compact packages for seeds.

The scheme of a square box

The diagram shown in the photo will help those who need a classic square box. It is enough to make a paper or cardboard stencil and glue it along the bend lines.

How to make a box by yourself: a master class with video and photo

Diagram of a polyhedral box

For the original hexagonal packing, do notwill require a cover. Such a product is easy to create with their own hands, without even having special artistic or design skills. It is enough to use beautiful thick paper. Elements of this form are often performed from cardboard.

How to make a box by yourself: a master class with video and photo

The scheme of the original box in the form of a handbag

We offer a simple scheme for making a gift box with your own hands. The product has the form of a small handbag. In the box you can pack even an expensive gift made of precious metals.

How to make a box by yourself: a master class with video and photo How to make a box by yourself: a master class with video and photo

Box scheme in the form of pieces of cake

Are holidays planned at work? Use the idea of ​​making a gift in cardboard products in the form of pieces of cake. Present, made by own hands, albeit in part, will remain in the memory for a long time. This idea is sure to please your colleagues.

How to make a box by yourself: a master class with video and photo How to make a box by yourself: a master class with video and photo

The scheme of the box in the form of a heart

Romantic natures will be to taste anya gift made by oneself. Present for them is better packed in a box in the form of a heart. Made of bright paper or cardboard, it will become an excellent gift design. Use our scheme for making your own gift box in the form of a three-dimensional heart.

How to make a box by yourself: a master class with video and photo

Round box with own hands: master class with video

It is most difficult to make a rounda box of paper, because there are no schemes for collecting it. For the manufacture of such a product you have to cut all the elements separately, and then alternately glue them together.

How to make a box by yourself: a master class with video and photo

First, make stencils out of paper forcapsules. To do this, draw a circle and cut it out. The paper stencil you will apply to the cardboard, creating the constituent elements of the bottom and the cover. Make the same workpiece for the sidewalls. It looks like a strip, the length of which should correspond to the size of the circumference of the bottom. Now you can start the main job:

  1. Cut out the cardboard first circle for the bottom and sidewall.

  2. On the strip of sidewalls, cut off the corner.

  3. On the other side of the strip cut the angle of the same size and tilt.

  4. Connect the cardboard blank into a circle and glue the cut.

  5. Glue the bottom to the circle.

  6. Wrap the structure from the outside with a piece of decorative material.

  7. Cut the same stripe with the same stencil, but with a shorter length and height. It is needed to create the inside of the product.

  8. Insert the workpiece inwards and wrap it with decorative material.

  9. Cut a larger diameter circle than the bottom of the box.

  10. Make a strip of the sidewall of the lid and connect it to the new workpiece.

  11. Wrap the cover with paper or cloth.

Decorate the gift wrap can be any way. The most common option is tape. The product is wrapped several times, and a lush bow is tied on the lid. Beautifully looks decoration of the upper part of artificial flowers, leaves, beads or small soft toys.

The product is used not only for registrationpresents. It can be useful to you in everyday life or decorate the interior. In the video, the scheme for creating a round box with its own hands made of cardboard with decorating with a patchwork cloth is presented:

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