How to make a box in the shape of a heart

Making a gift is just as important as making a giftgift. And if you make the packaging with your own hands, to design it in an original way, then it is doubly more pleasant. Therefore, if you make a beautiful box in the shape of the heart, then your half will not be able to resist in such a present. We will show you how to handle this task easily and quickly.

How to make a box in the shape of a heart of cardboard: video

How to make a box in the shape of a heart

In order for you to get thisa beautiful cardboard box in the shape of a heart, you will need: cardboard, glue, tassel, openwork or colored paper, decorative bows. First you need to prepare the workpiece with a pattern.

How to make a box in the shape of a heart

Now cut out the blank from the cardboard and addtogether, then sizing. You will need two such blanks. One of them will be the basis, and the other - the lid. We leave the ready-made cardboard box for a while to dry up.

How to make a box in the shape of a heart

When the box is well dried, it can be pastedtop with paper or paint with paints. We glue the bows on top and it's ready. More clearly see the manufacture of a box in the shape of a heart with your hands, you can on video:

How to make a heart-shaped box of paper: video

How to make a box in the shape of a heart

Such a beautiful box in the shape of a heart canglue even a child. Its only drawback is that it can be made only from thin cardboard or paper, and therefore it is better to put funny little things or sweets as a gift, but nothing heavy, as it simply can not stand it. In order to make such a box, you will need:

  • pencil;

  • ruler;

  • glue;

  • paper of pink color;

  • scissors.

Cut the workpiece into a pattern.

How to make a box in the shape of a heart

The edges of the lateral element should be made with denticles,so they will better go to bed. Then glue the box together. Decorate the finished product with glitter, bows or simply decorate it at your discretion.

Another way to make a box in the shape of a heart that will be attached to a neat bow is shown in the diagram below.

How to make a box in the shape of a heart

You need to prepare colored paper and satinribbons. Cut out the blank from the paper and fold it along the fold lines. From above, make small holes for the strings. If you want to see a more detailed description of the process of making the original box with your own hands made of paper, then this video will come in handy:

Making a box in the shape of a heart with your own hands

How to make a box in the shape of a heart

Remember that the finished box is still neededwill decorate. After all, even a simple box can become a real work of art, if it's beautifully decorated. For decoration, you can use lace of various widths and sizes, as well as guipure inserts and satin flowers. Very nice look satin bows.

How to make a box in the shape of a heart

For decor, you can also use a glass bead,sequins or beads. It is better to fasten them on glue in one layer. The entire box can be opened with a shiny nail polish, it will also hold well. In addition, as decorative elements you can use small sweets, toys, bows made of paper or foil. Very nice will look your joint photos, carved in the shape of the heart and pasted on top.

We hope that you will use our ideas and you will definitely come out with one of these boxes in the form of a heart. Dare and you will succeed.

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