How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

Preparing for the bright holiday of Easter isstart in advance. Indeed, the landlady needs a lot of time - bake Easter cakes, paint eggs, clean and decorate the house for the holiday. However, it is better to involve your household members in such matters, and give free time to spiritual development. For example, together with the children make original Easter drawings, depicting on paper different symbols of this great holiday. How to draw Easter? Dyed eggs, cakes in a basket, pussy sprigs, rabbit, chicken - they can draw even a young beginner "artist". Today we will study several master classes for drawing Easter attributes.

How to draw an Easter egg: a detailed master-class with a photo

Egg - one of the main symbols of Easter, which draw on the strength of the youngest children. Of course, if necessary, mom or dad can help a little baby. So, let's get to work.

Draw an Easter egg: the necessary materials

  • paper - special medium-grained structure

  • pencils of varying degrees of hardness

  • eraser

  • a shredding stick - for this purpose, paper rolled in the form of a cone

  • watercolors or oil paints

  • palette for mixing colors and getting different combinations and shades

  • water - to wet the drawing brushes

  • a set of natural brushes (but you can also synthetic ones)

  • with a cloth for wiping brushes

Drawing the Easter Egg: Step by Step Instructions

  1. We start with a sheet of paper. This step will determine the specific location of the future drawing. For example, we make the central markup.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  2. We draw out a sketch of the future elements of the composition -using simple geometric shapes (trapezoid, circle, oval or triangle). This technique will greatly facilitate the process of drawing and will indicate the place occupied by parts of the drawing. First, let's outline the shape of the future basket of our drawing for Easter. You can also draw a napkin and Easter eggs.Please note: when creating the outline, it is better to make the strokes very thin. If the lines turn out to be too thick, there will be difficulties with their subsequent erasure.
    How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)
    What to draw for Easter

  3. We give the basket a wicker texture, and each egg is painted with flowers, stripes, waves, and Easter symbols.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  4. Now we decorate the napkin with geometric patterns and with the help of "shadow" we give the eggs volume.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  5. Let's start painting the picture. Brown color the basket, and the napkin is shaded with light blue.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  6. Easter eggs can be painted with any bright colorsflowers, add a little red color to the decorative napkin. With the help of white paint glare the surface of painted eggs. Everything, the drawing for Easter is ready! How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

How to organize a merry Easter for children, see here

How to draw Easter (Easter cake) - a step-by-step master class with a photo

Long since the Easter cake was considered a symbolfertility, and the presence of God in the whole world. Drawing Easter cakes are very fond of children of different ages. The finished drawing can be used as a basis for an elegant Easter greeting card - a perfect gift for close people.

We draw Easter: the necessary materials

  • paper

  • black gel pen

  • mechanical pencil

  • ordinary colored pencils

  • eraser

How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

Drawing Easter cake - step by step instruction:

  1. We begin by drawing a square.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  2. Draw a rounded line from above and below the square.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  3. Using one more curved line is denoted bythe top part of the cake. In the center we "put" a candle, and below we put light strokes - this is a napkin under the cake. Side we finish the branches of pussy-willow. On the "crown" of the cake we depict white icing.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  4. We take an eraser and erase all the extra lines.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  5. It remains to paint our picture for Easter coloredpencils. For the cake, you can choose a warm golden brown color, fill the candle with red, and the decorative napkin with a pink one. Instead of pencils, you can use markers or paints.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

Such a cute and touching drawing will belook great as an element of decor, recalling the imminent coming of the holiday. Draw it in a beautiful frame, put on a shelf and admire - in anticipation of a great holiday!

How to make beautiful crafts for Easter with your own hands, look here

How to draw an Easter bunny pencil - a step-by-step master class with a photo

Rabbit is a symbol of Easter in the West. According to legend, this lovely fluffy animal hides in its hole colored chocolate eggs, which children are looking for on Easter morning. True, sweet surprises will not get to everyone, but only good and obedient kids. Pictures with a picture of a rabbit are very popular and on pre-holidays, children are happy to take up pencils and paints.

From materials we will need a simple pencil, paper, as well as colored pencils, markers or paints - for coloring.

Draw a rabbit for Easter - step by step instructions

  1. We begin by drawing a sketch of the head and trunk of a rabbit. Lines on the head mark the place of the eyes, nose and muzzle. At the bottom of the figure sketch a basket. How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  2. Draw the basis for the head in the form of four sections - the crown, cheeks, chin. Draw a bang.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  3. "Attach" rabbit ears and details of the face - eyes, nose, mouth and mustache.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  4. Now you need to draw the front paws and toes on the foot, the back line, the hind legs. We finish the Easter basket.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

  5. It remains to draw a tail and eggs in the basket. Add small details - fingers on the front paws, fur on the breast. We erase all the extra lines.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

    A selection of beautiful poems for Easter for children look here

  6. A ready picture needs to be painted with colored pencils - and our drawing for Easter is ready! Here are some drawings of the Easter bunny.How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)
    How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)
    What to draw for Easter
    How to draw Easter - step-by-step master classes on drawing Easter patterns (with photo)

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