Drawing on Easter for children in stages with a pencil with their own hands - How to draw a picture on the theme of Easter in a kindergarten and school
To get acquainted with traditions and major holidaystoddlers begin in kindergarten and primary school. As a rule, this acquaintance occurs within the framework of creative lessons in drawing and work. It has long been known that with the help of various thematic handicrafts and drawings devoted to a certain holiday, children are much better remembering information about him and in parallel developing fine motor skills and creative abilities. In today's article we will touch on the theme of the children's drawing for Easter. Agree, it is difficult to explain the essence and traditions of this bright holiday to young children. And with the help of a beautiful pencil drawing with images of eggs, an Easter bunny or a holiday cake, it's much easier to do. How to draw a step-by-step simple and original drawing for Easter with your own hands, learn from the following master classes with a photo.
Beautiful children's drawing Easter crayon in kindergarten stage by stage
Easter cake is an option of beautiful and simpledrawing in pencil, which is perfect even for the younger group of kindergarten. You can draw it with a simple pencil, and then, if desired, paint with watercolor or markers. Such a beautiful children's drawing "Easter cake" can be used as a pencil for a kindergarten as an independent gift or as a decor of a holiday card.
Necessary materials for children's drawing Easter cake for Easter pencil in stages
album sheet
simple pencil
Instructions how to draw a beautiful Easter cake pattern in a kindergarten
To begin with, we make a blank for the futureEaster cake. To do this, just above the middle of the album sheet, draw an arc. We retreat a little and draw two parallel lines, which together with the arc will determine the size of our drawing.
We join the blanks together with smooth lines, reminiscent of the smudges of sweet glaze on the cake, as shown in the following photo.
Let's add to the holiday cake a plate with dyed eggs. To do this, at the base of the cake, draw a semicircle and 2-3 ovals.
Then add the volume plate with another semicircle along the inner edge and add oval-eggs.
You can decorate a dish in different ways, for example,traditional patterns. We propose to make it woven and for this we fill all its space with oblique lines that will mimic the straw weaving. Glaze on the cake decorate with small dots, similar to a delicious powder.
It remains to give the cake a bit of relief withusing small strokes with a pencil. Eggs can be left in this form and simply painted with colored pencils, and you can decorate them with traditional patterns. Done!
Simple drawing for Easter "Easter basket with eggs" for children in stages
Another option is a very simple thematicdrawing for Easter for children - Easter basket with eggs. Since the egg is one of the main symbols of this holiday, its image is always actual on Easter cards and drawings. And the krasanki in a wicker basket look very festive! How to draw a simple drawing for children on Easter in the form of an Easter basket with eggs read on.
Necessary materials for drawing a basket with eggs for children on Easter
simple pencil
black marker
colour pencils
Instructions for a simple drawing Easter basket with eggs for children on Easter
Mentally, we divide a piece of paper into two parts. At the top, draw a shape similar to a rectangle with rounded corners, as shown in the photo below. This will be the workpiece for the basket handle.
Under the handle draw another rectangle with rounded corners, a bit wider than the previous one. This will be the basis of our Easter basket.
The lower part is drawn with simple lines so that the pattern resembles a straw weaving. To the top, add an arc along the inner edge to get a handle.
On the handle of the basket draw a bow.
It remains to fill the basket with krasanki. To do this, draw a number of poluovals, which is enough to fill our entire Easter basket.
Now carefully draw the finished drawing with a black marker and let it dry completely. After the eraser remove all the extra strokes of a simple pencil.
It remains to add colors and our simple drawing for Easter - ready!
How to draw a beautiful drawing on Easter in school pencil in stages
A fairly popular symbol is andEaster chick hatched from a picnic or pysanka. At first glance, it's hard to draw such a drawing with a pencil, for example, in a school for Easter. But thanks to the following step-by-step instructions on how to draw a beautiful drawing for Easter in school with a pencil, it's not difficult to do this.
Necessary materials for a beautiful drawing for Easter at school
simple pencil
black marker
felt pens, paints on request
Instructions how to draw a beautiful drawing in school for Easter in stages
Since the chicken is based on this figure,hatching from the Easter egg, the first thing to do is prepare the krasanki. To do this, we draw two circles in the middle of the sheet, located on each other. The upper circle should be smaller than the lower one. We connect both circles with side lines.
We retreat a little from the upper boundary of the lower circle and draw the "fence", as in the photo below.
Near the main picture, with light strokes, we represent two small circles. This is a preparation for the splinter part of the shell.
By analogy with the main part of the egg, we form a splintered shell with a "fence".
Now draw the Easter chicken. To do this, draw an oval, denote the eyes, beak, scallop and wings.
Then draw any beautiful pattern on the egg, for example, wavy lines or flowers.
A black felt-tip pen or a gel pen is drawn around the contour. Let the ink dry completely and erase the extra strokes of the pencil. We paint at our discretion.
Children's drawing with their own hands "Rabbit" on the theme of Easter, a step-by-step master class with a photo
Another famous symbol of the holiday of Easter,which can decorate any children's drawing with their own hands, is a rabbit. In the next step-by-step master class with a photo in detail described how you can easily and easily learn how to draw a rabbit. Such a children's drawing with their own hands "Rabbit" on the theme of Easter is aimed at the pupils of primary school.
Necessary materials for the children's drawing with their own hands on the theme of Easter
watercolors and a brush
simple pencil
black felt-tip pen
Instructions how to draw a children's drawing with their own hands "Rabbit" for Easter
The Easter rabbit is traditionally painted withcrayons. Our rabbit will hold a whole basket with Easter eggs. At the first stage, we make a sketch and designate the basis for the head, trunk and basket on the sheet.
We paint the rabbit with cheeks and wool on the head.
Adding ears.
We draw the features of the face in detail.
We pass to the drawing of the trunk. Denote the two front legs that will hold the basket, and one hind paw.
Then draw the basket and the second hind foot.
Fill the basket with Easter eggs. Add the rabbit a fluffy tail.
Circle the drawing with a black felt-tip pen and remove the pencil strokes with an elastic band.
We paint the children's drawing for Easter Rabbitwith their own hands, with bright pencils, paying special attention to the Easter eggs in the basket. Now you know how to draw a beautiful drawing on the theme of Easter in a kindergarten or school. And the video tutorial below will tell you step by step how to draw an Easter bunny gouache!