Bouquet of flowers with own hands - a turn-based workshopAgree, people working in flower shopsor shops, have a certain aura. And this is understandable: a man of evil thoughts and disharmony of feelings can not control flowers, creating beautiful bouquets-satellites of someone's events. This is the first secret of drawing up bouquets - you need to love flowers sincerely, you need to feel the flowers. Believe me, a man who sees a cheap field ball in a bunch of chamomiles is deliberately doomed to failure, because unnecessary flowers do not exist in nature.

Remember the other: with a bad mood for colors should not be approached - you simply can not create a bouquet or composition. It's not about mysticism or intriguing magic - a bouquet of flowers a priori is a harmony: a bouquet is a harmony of shapes, colors, smell and perception. Accordingly, harmony needs peace and the right attitude - the third is not given.

How to make a flower out of hand - a master class with a photo

Adhering to the above is not a rule, butprinciples, to create a bouquet with their own hands will not be difficult. Of course, we are talking about standard bouquets for beginners, and not competitive compositions that require high qualification and even certification. The beginning of any practice in theory, and in our case in the idea. The first thing you need is to decide on the idea of ​​your bouquet. You need to know for sure who he / in honor of what / for what / what and what effect should produce. This is the initial stage of work and without a clear sketch in your head, you will not be able to proceed to direct collection of the bouquet.

Our master class will teach you to create with your own hands a gentle romantic bouquet - turn-based photos will be a perfect guide, a conditional action plan for the work. So, let's begin!

Step-by-step instruction:

Choose flowers for the bouquet

  1. Choose flowers for the future composition, usingas a guide to harmony, not just the color or geometry of the flower. Do not be afraid to trust your own style and sense of beauty - what's the point in a bouquet that you do not like? In our master class we use the most convenient flowers for beginners - two branches of alstroemeria and a branch of a small rose. These flowers are perfectly combined in tandem, and also do not require specific treatments for prolonging life.Combination of alstroemeria and a small rose for a bouquetCombine alstroemeria and a small rose for a bouquet

  2. Choosing flowers and determining their number, we begin to lay out twigs. Note, the stems are laid out in a triangle, so the flowers do not lose their individuality.We lay out flowers in a bouquet

  3. Greenery is added, based not only onown wishes, but also on the appropriateness of it in the bouquet. Our bouquet, for example, will not need any additional decorations, except for a pair of stalks of pointed green. This will add ease to the bouquet and will help to shade a delicate pink shade of petals.Add greens to a bouquet

  4. We fix the ready bouquet with a ribbon (material and color of the ribbon is selected individually, following your own idea). If necessary, trim the stems. A bouquet of flowers with your own hands is ready!We fix the bouquet with ribbonFastening a bouquet with a ribbon

For the first experience of creating a bouquet, useCapricious flowers that need separate treatment, wrong. The art of floristry is fraught with a lot of nuances, and before moving on to the next level, you need to experience the process of selecting and collecting flowers in a single composition.Bouquet of flowers with own hands - a turn-based workshop

Beginner florist for reference

Alstroemeria - one of the most popular colorsfor compositions. A huge number of tones and shades of the flower allows him to be a part of any bouquets, including solemn and wedding. This flower lives in a vase for a long time (from two weeks), and also has no brightly expressed aroma. In the composition, he always surrounds, complements the central, dominant element.

Rose Felicia is a representative of the kind of musk roses. It is characterized by continuous flowering. Liked by florists for gentle-salmon or pastel-delicate color, as well as for convenient, in terms of composition, branch-clusters. Specify the fragrance of the whole bouquet. Less capricious than other, larger in bloom types of roses, so cut off longer retain their shape.

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