Concert on February 23 in kindergarten and school. Festive concerts by 23 February on the First Channel, Russia 1
To say that on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Dayis one of the main holidays for Russians, nothing to say. Almost every family has its own heroes, the horrors of the Great Patriotic War, military hardships in Afghanistan, Chechnya, the hardships of the army service ... These people know firsthand what it means to protect their Motherland and their relatives at the cost of their health, and even life. Most of them prefer not to remember their military past, deep in their hearts hoping that in the future their skills and skills will no longer be needed. But absolutely every one of them, with the arisen necessity, is ready to take up the rifle again and go to the defense of his country. It is for this unquestioning readiness, past and future combat feats, courage and self-sacrifice, that we thank our valiant defenders every February 23rd. The tradition to congratulate men on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland is cultivated in kindergartens, schools, higher educational institutions, companies, rural and city clubs, and enterprises. At the highest level, government concerts are being prepared with the participation of pop stars on such leading channels of the country as Russia and First. Next, we bring to your attention ideas for the scenario of a festive concert on Defender of the Fatherland Day. And also you will learn how to organize a concert on February 23, 2017 at school and kindergarten.
Interesting scenario of the festive concert on February 23 Day of the Defender of the Fatherland, ideas
Since the festive concert for Defender's DayFatherland has a specific theme, an interesting script for February 23 is difficult to write. However, the secret of a good concert on February 23 lies in the skillful combination of several different in mood and format parts into a single harmonious scenario. In other words, to make the event a success, you must use lyric numbers, funny performances, and official congratulations. It is also very important to create the right atmosphere of this holiday - solemn, but warm and touching. For this purpose, in addition to a thoughtful scenario, you need to use additional important attributes of the holiday. For example, decorating the hall in a patriotic color scheme with balls and cloth will help create a festive mood. And the use of military uniforms and other army attributes for the scenario will contribute to a deeper immersion in the atmosphere of the holiday. Add to the interesting scenario of the festive concert by February 23 Day of the Defender of the Fatherland talented performers and get a memorable evening, which really will please all the men present.
How to organize a concert in a kindergarten on February 23, 2017 Defender of the Fatherland Day
In organizing celebratory concerts on the Daydefender of the Fatherland February 23, adults and children take part in kindergartens. The first are engaged in the development of the scenario and other organizational moments, and the latter are happy to participate in the concert. As a rule, dads and grandfathers are always invited to such thematic matinees in the kindergarten, for which the children are preparing special congratulations in the form of festive numbers and wishes in verse. But how to organize a concert in kindergarten on February 23 Day Defender of the Fatherland so that he really remembered all for a long time? The first is to take care of the preparation of children. And it's not so much about rehearsing the numbers for a concert in a kindergarten, but about a kind of educational program. It is very desirable to hold explanatory talks with the children in advance about what kind of holiday it is on February 23, why we celebrate it and why it is so important to honor the defenders of the Motherland. Children who have an idea of the importance of this event and its history will be quicker to grasp any material from the script for the kindergarten.
How to make a script for the concert on February 23 in the kindergarten
In addition, it is important to properly allocate differentnumbers, so that the ready script for the kindergarten turned out to be boring and interesting not only for adults but also for children. For this it is necessary to take care of the presence of not only lyric and solemn numbers, but also about funny skits, games, competitions. And the latter in a kindergarten can be joint competitions for adults and children. Welcome to the script for the concert on February 23 in the kindergarten and sports events, for example, a small relay race at a speed. If a festive event is held with the children of the senior kindergarten group, it is perfectly permissible to organize for them in the concert a meeting with veterans or participants in hostilities. They could share with the children instructive and curious cases on military topics. If the budget allows, then at the end of the concert in the kindergarten you can organize a tea party with sweets for all participants of the event.
Ideas for the scenario of the concert for the Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 at school
Concerts on the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland on February 23 inschool is held every year so fresh ideas for a festive scenario are not superfluous. First of all, let's note that it will be a question of large-scale concerts, participation in the organization of which both teachers and students of different classes of the school take part. Proceeding from this, in such a school concert there are very versatile numbers that are difficult to unite in one thematic channel. However, if you choose the right general direction and make certain unifying moments for different classes of the school, then in the end you can get an interesting script. For example, all participants in a concert at a school can perform in the same military uniform or necessarily start their number with a general greeting phrase.
As for individual ideas for the scenarioholiday concert for the Day of the Fatherland Defender on February 23 at school, it is worth noting several original options. For example, scenarios of concerts in the school with the use of musical accompaniment in the form of war songs are very popular. And among military musical works there are both solemn, and lyrical or even funny versions of songs that will fit any number in the school. Also within the framework of a school concert, it is possible to organize a meeting with veterans of the Second World War and participants in military operations. They can be asked to share memories and give small instructions to the younger generation of future defenders of the Motherland. Another interesting option is an original holiday in school with funny numbers performed by girls and teachers. For example, you can fun to beat the everyday life of army life, as women see them.
How to organize a holiday concert in the class for boys on February 23, 2017
If within the school festive concerts at 23February is more solemn and large-scale, then such events in the classroom can be held in a warmer and friendly atmosphere. Such a congratulatory concert of amateur performances, organized by the efforts of classmates, will surely appeal to the boys. Moreover, the numbers for such a concert, as a rule, are based on situations from the life of the class. For example, you can put a small cool concert with funny parody numbers on military topics. The main actors of such scenes will, of course, be the boys-classmates in the performance of girls of the class. As topics for the numbers you can take the most typical and recognizable situations from the life of the class, and then adapt them to the army theme. For example, funny and funny cases that occurred in the lessons can be transferred to the conditions of the barracks. Also, the original number on February 23 can be thought up by imagining a little. For example, what would happen if the girls of the class passed the medical examination to the military commissariat, like boys. At the end of the holiday, you can organize a sweet table and dance. Also, boys will be pleased to receive and symbolic gifts. And it can be not only material presents, but, say, a funny mini-film or a funny wall newspaper.
A gala concert dedicated to the Russia Channel 1 on February 23, 2017, video
Celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland on February 23passes on a special scale at the state level. Already traditionally on this day, the country's major television channels, such as Russia, 1, show on their air a festive concert dedicated to February 23. This event amazes with its beauty, precision of execution and an interesting scenario. In the concert dedicated to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland, prominent artists, pop stars, actors take part. The celebration of the main male festival is also possible without the participation of military musical collectives and choirs. Military hits in their performance are especially touching for the soul and make the festive concert, devoted to February 23, 2017 on the channel Russia 1, even more vivid.
Solemn concert for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 on Channel One, video
In 2015, a gala concert for the Daydefender of the Fatherland on February 23 demonstrated the First Channel. He especially remembered the audience, since one of the most beloved military films was dedicated to "Officers". The year before last, the legendary film celebrated its 45th anniversary. But despite his impressive age, he has not lost its relevance and still raises important questions about love and devotion to the Motherland, courage and valor of Russian soldiers. In the solemn concert on Defender of the Fatherland Day, which was shown on February 23, 2015, the First Channel, many pop stars, prominent actors and actors of the film "Officers" took part. They gladly sang songs that had long ago transcended the film and became popular hits. We are sure that this year organizers of the annual festive event on February 23 with the same professionalism will approach the writing of the script and we, the audience, will be able to see no less impressive action.
Concert on the 23rd of February Defender of the Fatherland Day -this is not just an entertaining event. This is a way to show respect, gratitude and admiration for real men and brave defenders. Preparing a thematic holiday in kindergarten, school, rural club or at work, it is very important to convey all these feelings to the participants and guests of the event. We hope that our ideas for the February 23rd script, as well as the video of the festive concerts on Channels 1, First, will inspire you and help you organize your holiday for all the defenders of the Fatherland.