Pictures on February 23

By the established tradition with the Day of the defenderFatherland it is customary to congratulate not only military and veterans of military operations, but also all men and even boys. Particularly pleased with the fact that this wonderful tradition has been introduced to children from an early age. Postcards and drawings with pencils and paints with congratulatory inscriptions are prepared in kindergartens and schools to present to your beloved fathers and grandfathers on February 23. Thematic contests of children's art are often held, where participants demonstrate their artistic talents. But the children's drawing for February 23 is not just an image of holiday symbols with congratulatory inscriptions, but also a sign of respect. A sign of respect for the defenders of the Motherland, courageous soldiers and real men! Next, you will see simple step-by-step master classes of drawings for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, which will be suitable for kindergarten and primary school.

Step-by-step drawing for the Pope on February 23, 2017 "Tank" in the kindergarten in pencil

Pictures on February 23

The first thematic drawings with pencils for dads andgrandfathers in the form of symbolic tanks and aircraft on February 23, children learn to draw step by step in the kindergarten. They will also learn for the first time about the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland and why it is so important to congratulate their close men on this day. And the symbolic drawings help them to form a correct idea of ​​the holiday as a whole. Next, we offer you a simple master class of step-by-step drawing for the papa with a pencil in the kindergarten "Tank" on February 23, 2017, which even the smallest pupils can master.

Required materials for drawing pencil "Tank" for the Pope on February 23, 2017

  • album sheet

  • black thin pencil or gel pen

  • colour pencils

  • eraser

Step-by-step instruction for drawing on February 23 in the kindergarten with a pencil "Tank"

  1. Let's start drawing the tank from the barrel. To do this, draw two parallel lines 4-5 cm long in the middle of the sheet and leave approximately 1 cm between them. On the left, we connect the lines in a semicircle, and on the right we draw the beginning of the barrel.Pictures on February 23

  2. Now let's move on to drawing the tower. Approximately 2 cm below and to the right of the barrel we draw a base - two parallel lines 10-12 cm in length. From above above the base we draw a semicircle and connect it with a barrel.Pictures on February 23

  3. At the next stage we draw caterpillars. For this, below the base of the tower, draw a silhouette of the tracks, as shown in the photo below.Pictures on February 23

  4. In the middle of the base of the caterpillars, draw 5 circles and paint them in black. On the tower we draw a five-pointed star.Pictures on February 23

  5. In conclusion, we draw on the tower the silhouette of a developing flag.Pictures on February 23

  6. It remains to colorize the finished drawing with coloredpencils and add a congratulatory inscription "Since 23 February." Such a picture can be presented to the father in the postcard on Defender of the Fatherland Day or to decorate with such a tank a greeting poster.

Drawing for children "Military ship" on February 23 to school, master class in stages

Initially, February 23 was the Day of the Soviet Army andNavy, so the image of a military ship can be safely used for the congratulatory children's drawing to school. Along with the tank or airplane, the drawing of a warship can be an excellent independent gift or decoration for a greeting poster. Learn more about how to learn the drawing for the children "The Vessel Ship" on February 23 to the school in stages, learn from the next master class.

Pictures on February 23

Required materials for drawing on February 23 in the school for children

  • album sheet

  • black felt-tip pen

  • pastel or colored pencils, paints

Step-by-step instruction on how to draw a warship on February 23 in a school for children

  1. Conditionally we divide a sheet of paper into two parts. Below the undulating line we designate the water surface. From above we draw a stern, as shown in the photo.Pictures on February 23

  2. Ahead at the stern we draw a cannon. In the middle of the stern we paint the captain's cabin and the radar.Pictures on February 23

  3. At the next stage we draw a battery of torpedoes and portholes, as in the next photo.Pictures on February 23

  4. We add an image of the developing flag. You can also draw a few ticks, simulating the silhouettes of seagulls. Add a congratulatory letter at will.Pictures on February 23

  5. Let's move on to painting the picture: water color in blue, and the warship is gray-blue. Be sure to paint the flag in national colors. The picture of a warship on the 23rd of February is ready for school!Pictures on February 23

Master class of the picture "Defender" on February 23, 2017 for a pencil contest for children, in stages

Variant of thematic drawing in pencil on 23February for children under the title "Defender", which you will find in the master class below, is perfect for the competition. You can also use it to draw a greeting card with your own hands or a wall newspaper in the school. A detailed master class on the drawing "Defender" on February 23 for the contest with a pencil for children further.

Pictures on February 23

Required materials for the picture "Defender" on February 23 for a pencil contest

  • album sheet

  • colored pencils, markers

  • simple pencil

  • eraser

  • ruler

Step-by-step instruction for the master class drawing on February 23 for a pencil contest

  1. As it is easy to guess in the figure "Defender" will be depicted valorous military. Divide a piece of paper vertically in half. We make sketches for the head and shoulders.Pictures on February 23

  2. Starting from the markup, we draw a silhouette of a soldier. In detail we paint the head, neck and shoulders. Then we make sketches of the winter form - hats-earflaps and pea coat.Pictures on February 23

  3. We paint the face, the details of uniforms and hands.Pictures on February 23

  4. In the hands of our defender will keep the machine gun. We begin to draw weapons from the outline and gradually add small details, as in the photo below.Pictures on February 23Pictures on February 23

  5. At the next stage, we paint the protective coloring of the form and the background.Pictures on February 23

  6. To the left of the soldier we draw the inscription "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day". We continue to detail the background.Pictures on February 23Pictures on February 23

  7. Color the picture with colored pencils or markers.Pictures on February 23

Now you know what to create a holiday drawingon February 23, with their own hands for a gift to the Pope, to a contest or exhibition, it's quite simple. And our simple step-by-step master classes of drawings with pencils and paints on Defender of the Fatherland Day can be easily used for kindergarten and school. And if you want to draw a funny thematic drawing, dedicated to February 23, then pay attention to the option for the children from the video below.

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