Mother's Day at school - scenario for high school students, events, class hour, dedicated to the holiday

Mother's Day is a relatively new holiday forRussia - the decree on its introduction was signed by President Boris N. Yeltsin in 1998. Nevertheless, the popularity of this holiday is growing every year, as evidenced, for example, by the numerous activities held in kindergartens and schools. In particular, not only teachers, but also high school students are often involved in organizing a holiday concert for Mother's Day in the school. Adolescents actively participate in writing the script, staging numbers and dances, decorating celebratory wall newspapers. In addition to the concert, in the educational institutions for Mother's Day, they often hold thematic classrooms devoted to the role of the mother in the life of the child. Our today's article is devoted to ideas for organizing an interesting and original holiday in honor of Mother's Day for schoolchildren. In it you will find not only topics for the scenario of a school concert or extra-curricular activities, but also useful thematic videos and interesting ideas for contests, games and numbers.

Interesting events for Mother's Day at school

Mother's Day at school - scenario for high school students, events, class hour, dedicated to the holiday

As already mentioned above, Mother's Day is quitenot necessarily limited to a festive line or concert. It is much more interesting to hold a complex holiday with various events for Mother's Day at school. For example, you can devote this holiday a few days or even a whole week. For each day, choose your own format of entertainment and activities. As an option, break up the celebrations for 3 days: the first day to hold a literary contest dedicated to poems about mothers; on the second day to organize an exhibition-fair with handicrafts, and for the third - a festive concert with performances of students. Also, you can prepare for the theme of Mother's Day photo exhibition of school works, talent contest, sports competition. The main thing is to show a little imagination and to link the format of an interesting event in the school with Mother's Day.

Original events on Mother's Day for schoolchildren

Excellent ideas for the original Mother's Day forschoolchildren will become an unusual format with the departure. For example, you can organize a visit to the museum, exhibition, theater, cinema together with the mothers of students. After the main event, you can invite moms and children to a walk in the park (if the weather permits, of course), in a cafe or restaurant. The main emphasis in such an unusual format should be made on the relationship of mother and child, the importance of joint leisure and entertainment.

Scenario for Mother's Day in elementary school, video

Mother's Day at school - scenario for high school students, events, class hour, dedicated to the holiday

In the primary grades due to agethe peculiarities of students will not be able to "go wild" with long and many-day events. Still, it is still difficult for children to learn a lot of information and perform several different roles in various productions and concerts. Therefore, the most optimal option is the festive concert for Mother's Day, a scenario for which teachers prepare in an elementary school. Most often for the basis of such a concert children's performances are taken. As it is easy to guess, all the numbers, and these can be dances, songs, poems, skits, performed by children and dedicated to dear mothers. However, move away from the standard format if you want in the scenario of Mother's Day in primary school you can. Next, you will find several original ideas for such a holiday in the lower grades.

Fairy-tale scenario for Mother's Day in primary school

The forces of teachers and students are not ordinaryconcert, and a whole theatrical production is being created. This can be the implementation of the script for a famous fairy tale, a book, a cartoon, or maybe an author's production. The topic of such an address should necessarily correspond with the main idea of ​​the Mother's Day holiday. It must be a very kind and gentle performance filled with words of love and gratitude.

An unusual scenario in the elementary school for Mother's Day

Mother's Day at school - scenario for high school students, events, class hour, dedicated to the holiday

Another fairly simple, but at the same time veryan unusual version of the scenario for Mother's Day in primary classes - the format of a television show. It should be based on a popular and easily recognizable television program, for example, Field of Miracles, Dancing with the Stars, Minute of Glory. You can also use the format of several TV shows or use parody options. In addition, such an unusual format makes it possible to actively involve students, who must be among the guests of the festival, to participate in the numbers and competitions and mothers.

Scenario for Mother's Day at school for high school students, video

For high school students, Mother's Day at school isa wonderful occasion through the original script of the holiday not only to congratulate your beloved mothers, but also once again to thank them for everything. After all, high school students, unlike their younger schoolmates, are already quite grown-up people, realizing how heavy daily maternity duties can be. Therefore, the scenario for Mother's Day in school, high school students, as a rule, choose a touching and at the same time original. It can be a concert of amateur performance, a talent contest or even a quest. A few interesting ideas for the scenario for Mother's Day with the participation of high school students will find further.

Scenario for active Mother's Day in high school

Mother's Day at school - scenario for high school students, events, class hour, dedicated to the holiday

One of the most unusual options for a holidayon Mother's Day - an active format. It can be, for example, a sports competition with elements of relay race and active contests. Also, an interesting and active celebration can be held in the format of an unusual quest. To participate will need teams consisting of mothers and children. Their task with the help of hints and the fulfillment of certain tasks of the leader to reach the finish line first. Assignments are better to take different - by ingenuity, speed, endurance, erudition. This not only diversifies the event itself, but also compares the chances of the participants.

Scenario for a dance evening in high school for Mother's Day

A great idea will be the holding of a danceevenings for Mother's Day. For example, you can spend an evening in the style of the disco 70-80-x - it was at this time that the moms of today's high school students were young. And you can use not only the musical hits of those years, but also outfits, decorations, etc. We are sure that such a masquerade ball will surely appeal to both mothers and children.

The original scenario of Mother's Day for high school students

Another version of the original concert to the Daymothers high school students can prepare in the format of a talent contest. Naturally, all the numbers in such a concert should echo the main theme of the evening - mother care. For example, you can prepare several touching songs, poems, numbers about mothers and their role in life. At the end of the evening, high school boys can invite their mothers to a waltz, and in the end give them flowers and souvenirs made with their own hands.

Ideas for a class hour at school for Mother's Day

Mother's Day at school - scenario for high school students, events, class hour, dedicated to the holiday

A useful event for Mother's Day in schoolthere will be a class hour, several ideas for which we have prepared further. And it can be carried out not only in elementary school, but also with middle-aged students and teenagers from the senior classes. To make such a cool hour in honor of Mother's Day remember children for a long time and bring benefit, the script for him should be unusual. It is advisable not only to read the lecture, but also to involve children in an active dialogue. For example, you can ask students to prepare a short story about their mother, her hobbies, work, and character in advance. Or organize a small creative competition in the classroom on the theme "Portrait of a mother." If the class hour is held in conjunction with other school activities dedicated to this holiday, then you can organize it in an unusual active format. For example, ask students to prepare dances or songs that they associate with maternal love.

Also quite interesting to get and coolhour spent behind school walls. For example, you can organize a themed tour, a trip to the theater or cinema. If you wish, you can hold a real charity event for those children who are deprived of motherly love. It can be the collection of toys and clothes for inmates of orphanages or help to school orphans. You can also make a small photo or video report on the work done on the memory.

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