Radonitsa: what is this holiday, history, traditions and customs. Radonitsa in 2016 - what can not be done
The holiday of Radonitsa is an ancient RussianOrthodox holiday - a legacy from the ancient Slavic pagans. However, with the advent of Christianity in Russia this important day found its place in the church calendar. Radonitsa - what is this holiday? Today we learn about the folk traditions and customs of Radonitsa, as well as the history of the origin of this great holiday.
Radonica 2016 - what is this holiday and what is its significance
Many associate the name "Radonica" with"Joy", "joyful" or "kind." Indeed, all these values are suitable for characterizing the essence of the holiday. So, this day falls on Tuesday of the second week after Easter - the most joyful Christian holiday. In 2016, Easter is celebrated on May 1, which means that Radonitsa is expected on May 10th.
In addition, Radonitsa is taken to commemorate the deadrelatives and relatives, who moved to another world. After all, thanks to Jesus Christ, who accepted death on the cross, the souls of the dead found eternal life in heaven. This means that at the appointed time we will be able to meet and reunite with dear people. This awareness gives us in the heart of the believer's hope and joy - hence the "Radonitsa" or "Radunica". On such a day we visit cemeteries, visiting the deceased ancestors and showing them their respect.
On the holiday of Radonitsa, the eveninga divine service followed by a full funeral service, which also includes Easter songs about the joy of eternal life granted to us. According to custom, believers in the church order a requiem, give the priest a note "about the repose" and pray for the dead.
Orthodox holiday Radonitsa - history
According to historical sources, the Slavic customthe visit of the graves and the remembrance of their ancestors was mentioned by St. John Chrysostom in the 4th century. Such an ancient pagan holiday was celebrated in the spring and had different names - Radovnitsa, Naviev's day, Graves, Graves, Trizny. Later, the Orthodox Church adopted this tradition and approved a special day for the celebration of Radonica.
Folk customs and traditions at Radonitsa
Long since the celebration of Radonica was accompanieda lot of traditions and customs, the observance of which was considered important and significant on such a day. So, how correctly to meet Radonitsu? What can and can not be done on Radonitsa? Consider some customs and traditions, as well as prohibitions.
First of all, it is customary to bring to Radonicacemetery Easter cakes and painted eggs. On the grave you need to remove, put a candle and make a prayer. The church does not welcome plentiful feasts near the graves, so it will be enough to be there, praying for the deceased. And instead of leaving eggs and cakes in the cemetery, it's better just to distribute them to the poor so that they pray for the soul's repose.
According to folk customs, Radonitsy arrangea festive dinner, for which all relatives and friends gather. On the table put three extra plates, meaning breakfast, lunch and dinner to the deceased. And on the windowsill you need to pour the breadcrumbs and put a glass of water - it is believed that the soul of the deceased relatives on Radonitsa comes home to the living.
What can not be done on Radonitsa?
The church forbids having fun and bringing alcoholin the cemetery, and also leave a glass of vodka on the grave. Lush copious feasts, abuse of alcohol, quarrels, bad language and bad reviews of the deceased - this is the list of "taboo" on the day of Radonica.
Now you know what kind of holiday it is - Radonica,its history, traditions and customs. It's better to devote such a day to prayers, remembering the deceased with a kind word. After all, earthly life is only the beginning of the road, at the end of which eternal life awaits us and the ineffable joy of meeting with dear ones.