How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands

New Year in kindergarten is a bright event forchildren, because at this age they like no one else believe in miracles and wait for Grandfather Frost with gifts. Educators and parents should jointly create a festive atmosphere and think in advance how to decorate the group for the new year in the kindergarten.

Group decoration for the New Year in kindergarten

The first thing to take care of is, of course,the most important attribute of the New Year is the Christmas tree. There are a lot of options for its decoration. But the requirements for decorative elements, which will be on it, is also enough.

First, in the children's Christmas tree should notbe beating toys. Children at any time can begin to indulge in, and a tree or toys from it can fall and break, which is fraught with cuts. Secondly, garlands on the green beauty should also correspond to safety precautions. Best if they are paper, for example. But you can also use the LED versions - the main thing is that the cord is securely hidden and the children can not plug it into the socket on their own.

Today there are many options for safe toys for Christmas trees, for example, metal. They look impressive and festive and do not fight.

How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands

If you, as a parent, think about howdecorate the group in the kindergarten by the new year with their own hands, then you can make toys yourself or offer an idea for their creation to the educator. Kids during creative moments will be interested in creating New Year toys, for example, from pasta. To do this, it is enough to glue together raw macaroni in various variations, paint in a beautiful color - silver, white or even variegated, then pierce and tie a string with which the finished toys will be hung on the tree.

How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands

How to decorate the group in the kindergarten in New Year's style with their own hands: photo

If you have already decided on the decorations on the tree,take care of the design of the group. If the parents of each child bring at least one decorative decoration, the room will already look festive and solemn. Alternatively, you can inflate a lot of balloons and hang them all over the group. In addition, from long balls you can twist flowers, dogs and even herringbones.

How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands

Large letters to decorate the room for the New Year

An excellent decoration for the group will be three-dimensionalfigures indicating the coming year, or letters from which the phrase "New Year" can be added. They are created very simply. It is worthwhile only to stock up with crepe paper and glue.

The creation of volumetric letters consists of the following stages:

  1. We make the basis. It will be a fastening - a silhouette of a number, on which colored paper is glued.

  2. Then cut the crepe paper into smallPieces whose edges should not be even. Create wavy flowers or circles. For this, each piece of paper is folded in half and glued to each other.

  3. Finished florets are placed in the base of the figure, for maximum fixation we use glue.

In addition to voluminous letters and numbers, it is necessary to cut out as many snowflakes as possible. The more beautiful the pattern of snowflakes, the better they will look in the pasted form throughout the group - on the walls, windows, children's lockers.

How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands

Moreover, from crepe paper can be madebeautiful voluminous garlands. To do this, it is enough to create many multi-colored circles and thread them on a string. We can hang these garlands under the ceiling and on the Christmas tree. The main advantages of this decoration are beauty and safety.

From dense cardboard beautiful Christmas tree are obtained. They are done easily and quickly, but they look just great. Cardboard is better to buy immediately in green. But you can also in white, and then just paint it with paint or pencils. The cardboard is folded into a triangle by the accordion method. An incision is made in the corner from above. When the tree is ready, the top will appear in this place in the form of a star. The Christmas tree itself can be decorated with a variety of rhinestones planted with glue.

How to beautifully decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands

Group decoration for the new year in kindergartenwith their own hands - it's a pleasant and mischievous process. Parents like to watch the ecstatic views of their kids when they see all these snowflakes, garlands and a Christmas tree. For the sake of happy children, you want to turn mountains and do something more beautiful. Fantasize - and your jewelry will be unique and bright!

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