We are preparing for the new year

Put the tree in a bucket of sand. Make sure that the sand remains moist. If the tree is strengthened on the cross, then first hold it in water with glycerin (in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), and then pour the slice of the tree with melted wax.
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Decoration of a house for the New Year

Decoration of festive dishes: preparing for the New Year

How to choose a Christmas tree?

How to decorate a Christmas tree

Decoration of festive dishes: preparing for the New Year

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How to decorate a room for the New Year

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How to make a tree last longer

How to decorate a group in a kindergarten by the New Year with their own hands: photo, video. The decoration of the group in the kindergarten by the New Year

How to make a Christmas tree from paper

Christmas tree of cones

Christmas tree of cones

How to make a Christmas tree from paper