How to take the promised payment from Beeline
This service will help you when you add money to your accountthere is no way. When you are away from the replenishment points or in case there is no possibility to put money through the Internet, or simply at a later time of the day, and you need to call or write SMS.
The service of the promised payment from Beeline
To use the service from Beeline "Promisedpayment "must meet several conditions. They are compulsory. It is necessary to replenish the account within at least one month before, and preferably three months. The amount of replenishment and their frequency, in turn, will adjust the amount of money that you can count on.
If you refilled the account for three thousand rubles, thenthe operator will charge three hundred. The balance on the account should be no more than ninety rubles. From a thousand five hundred to a thousand rubles will bring a hundred rubles in advance. The balance is from zero to sixty rubles.
But not all people, of course, need such a frequencyreplenishment. And, nevertheless, they are also potential users of this service. If a month to the account was sent not more than a hundred rubles, then they will send thirty.
By the way, you can not use the service if you have not repaid the previous loan or when the debt is on the account.
To activate it, just dial a combination of numbers: * 141 # and call.
If you want to know in advance the amount available, enter the number: * 141 * 7 # and press the "call" button.
The service is valid for three days. At the end of this period, the loan balance will be automatically withdrawn. Only if the subscriber's phone is roaming at the time of the promised payment, the money remains in the account for a week. The cost of the order is five rubles. Again, you can use the loan one day after the previous one, with the condition of repayment of the first. To prohibit its use from your phone, just call the short number - * 141 * 0 #. But, in order to resume the use of the service you will have to come to Beeline office yourself.
Each call to the operator for a consultation isfive rubles of tax. Therefore, the advantages of this option are not refutable. Do not register, understand the instructions and instructions of answering machines and help services.
Pros of the "Promised Payment" service:
speed of receipt of funds
absence of contractual basis
does not require registration
do not need any advice from the operator of cellular communication Beeline (just read our article)
A simple way to order a service
limited amount of money that can be obtained
The time of using the loan is also limited
You can not ask for a transfer if the balance on the account is negative
you need to wait a day, so that you can re-activate the service
So, from this it follows that, despite everythingminuses, this is a very advantageous offer that can really help you if necessary. The main thing is not to forget to return the debt, because although the service is called the "promised payment", in fact, it is a loan, and for a very short time.