How to transfer rubles to hryvnia and vice versa
With constant travel from Russia to Ukraine andback, you have to regularly face the need to change money. People who do this often enough have already gotten used to a constant course change and have already adapted to counting money in the mind. But this is not the case with everyone. If you come to a neighboring country, the exchange of money is the first thing you have to do. There are certain rules for this.
What is the best way to change money?
Hryvnia is the official currency of Ukraine, and the ruble -Russia. But if the hryvnia became a permanent monetary unit relatively recently, then rubles were used in Russia long enough. Nevertheless, this does not prevent him from being subject to devaluation and constantly changing course. Remember it still does not work, so for calculations it is better to use the converter, which is in most phones.
To learn the current course, you can go to the site of the Central Bank. Data on changes are published daily, even if no changes have occurred in a day.
Banks independently set rates of exchange, so to find the most profitable, you need to browse their pages and decide on the choice.
Exchange is best done at the bank branch orspecial point. However, if you often have to do this, it is better to open a bank account in two currencies. Then you can quickly transfer money from the ruble account to the hryvnia and vice versa, and upon arrival in Russia, withdraw the desired amount in any ATM.
In Russian banks there is a withdrawal functionmoney from the account, even if it is in the hryvnia. You just need to contact the branch with a passport and the cashier will exchange at the current exchange rate and give you cash.
As practice shows, changing hryvnia to rublesit is better in Ukraine. The rate there is more profitable, and the service is provided by all exchange offices, which can not be said about the Russian Federation. Most of these institutions in the border area and in the stations of Moscow region, where most of the guests come from Ukraine.
Never change money with your hands, even if the coursethere more profitable. Firstly, you will not be sure that you will be given genuine bills. And secondly, people who offer this kind of services - perfectly own hand mechanics and you are likely to miss a few rubles. To prove that you were robbed, the police will be almost impossible.
Mathematical calculations when transferring money
If you completely rely on your mathematical abilities, then you can count the amount in your mind. However, most people prefer to use a calculator for this purpose.
What does it take to convert rubles into hryvnia or vice versa?
Know the course. The ratio established by the Central Bank of Russia or the National Bank of Ukraine, as a rule, differs from that which is present in the exchangers. Feel it on themselves could residents of the Crimea. However, they had some problems with the calculations of the changed currency.
The main thing to consider is the correct conductoperation. Take for example the rate, which involves selling 1 hryvnia for 3.8 rubles. If you want to transfer Ukrainian money into Russian, you need to multiply the amount of hryvnia by 3.8. For example, 100 hryvnia * 3.8 = 380 rubles.
However, most people think that for the reverseprocess should be multiplied by 0.38. It is not right. In this case, the amount of money will decrease by almost one and a half times. To make a correct exchange and not get caught on a trick, remember that the amount in rubles should be divided by 3.8. That is, when you transfer rubles to the hryvnia, the operation will look like this: 100 rubles: 3.8 = 26.32 hryvnia.