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Mobile operator Megafon is one of the leaderscellular communication of our country, operating in all regions of Russia. Since the company was founded in 2002, the company has become entrenched in the telecommunications services market of the Russian Federation and is rapidly expanding its client base, including thanks to interesting promotions and offers. One such, of course, is the possibility of getting points on the megaphone account and their exchange for money. But users of mobile communication, often, are lost in how to transfer the points into money for a megaphone stock. The action is simple, let's take care of the nuances together.

A little about the program "Megaphone-bonus"

Somewhat earlier, the ability to exchange points forno funds were available. The company provided the opportunity to get sms for them, additional megabytes for downloading on the Internet, discounts in shops cooperating with the operator. Now life has become better, life has become more fun, because relatively recently, big megaphone bosses have allowed the exchange of bonuses for rubles. In this case, all that is written above - remained available.

How to change points for money in a megaphone?

To get funds to your account, there are three ways to use it.

The first way.

Go to this link and enter the requested information.data. This is a personal cabinet that allows you to customize the services of a company, activate necessary or disable what you no longer want to use. There it is also possible to include the exchange of points for rubles into a megaphone.

boxes in blisters

The second way.

Do not like to understand or laziness to register? Then - it's easier to call the operator's technical support number on the phone 8 800 550 05 00 from home, or 0500 - from the mobile device. In the event that the bell will be executed from the device, in which the card is "Megaphone", then press 5 after the robot answers, thereby select the "Megaphone bonus" item. Otherwise, listen to the speech answering machines, he will tell you where to press further, so that you can get the deserved reward (if nothing has changed, after clicking on "5", you will have to double click "1" and listen to information about the amount and points , which can be exchanged).

The third way.

The simplest thing is not to listen to annoying robots andDo not stray in the wilds of the company's personal cabinet, but send ussd-request. To receive money, we enter on our device the following figures: * 115 * amount of money # 1 + call. Where the "amount of money" is indicated, you need to enter figures equivalent to the rubles you want to receive. It can be: 150, 100, 050, 030, 010, 005. It turns out: * 115 * 030 # 1 - for example, if you want to get 30 rubles to your account. Below is a table on which you can calculate the number of bonuses needed to receive a particular amount.

Interesting fact: between "Odnoklassniki" and "Megafon" there is an agreement on the transfer of bonus points to "Oki". For users of this social network. network is an additional pleasant option. More details about this possibility are worth reading on the site of classmates.

It should be noted that such a service with translationpoints in money only acts on a megaphone and has no analogues with other mobile operators in Russia. No doubt, "Megaphone bonus" deserves attention, because it's a great chance to save a little on mobile communications to customers. Of course, if they figured out how to transfer money points into a megaphone.

phone in a wallet

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