Why do plastic windows sweat?

Condensation on the windows, which then turns into droplets of water running down from the glass, may appear indoors for several reasons. Most often sweat windows in the house is in winterperiod, and all attempts to eliminate fogging are reduced to zero. But the fact is that there can be several reasons for the fogging of the glasses, so you have to eliminate them all.
Why do plastic windows sweat in winter? At this time of year, the temperature in the room is much warmer than outside the window. Yes, and the humidity in the room will be much higher than in the summer. But The appearance of condensation on the windows is precisely the air temperature. On the outside, the double-glazed windows will be verycold, and on the side of the room on the glass already affects the air with a higher temperature. But the temperature of the glass unit is always lower than in the room. And the condensate is formed precisely because the air in the apartment is much warmer than near the glass. Because of this temperature difference, condensation settles on the glass.
The appearance of condensate is always observed on windows with a single-compartment double-glazed unit. To windows do not sweat, you should change the double-glazed windows to a two-chamber. Change the glass, not the window.
Also the windows in the apartment are sweating because of insufficient ventilation in the room. Humid air in the room is not absorbed throughdust clogged ventilation grilles, which also affects the formation of condensation on the windows. In this case, you should check if the ventilation in your house works well. It will also be superfluous to ventilate the room every day for 10 minutes.
Especially often the windows are sweating in the kitchen. In this case, the blame for everything high humidity. Boiling kettle or saucepan with soup or borschduring cooking - this is one of the reasons for high humidity. When you wash the dishes, you have water from the tap, which also significantly increases the humidity in a small room. So that you do not sweat the plastic windows, try to ventilate the room as often as possible. Of course, no one wants to let the cold air into the room, so you can resort to slit or microvolve, which will be quite effective. Also check the operation of the hood in the kitchen. Turn it on when cooking something on the stove.
Flowers in the apartment can also affect the appearance of condensation on the windows. From moist soil and plant leaves evaporatesa lot of moisture that settles on the windows. Of course, you can not transfer flowers anywhere in most cases, but if this is possible, then at winter remove the plants from other places in the sills.
With the help of central heating it is also possible to eliminate excessive fogging of windows, because the battery not only heats the air, butit also dries it. But if the battery is blocked by a wide window sill, the warm air will not go up and dry out the excess moisture on the panes. Eliminate this problem in two ways: reduce the depth of the window sill or take out the battery. In winter, it is not always possible to resort to these methods, so you will have to use an alternative: find another source of glass heating.
Errors when installing windows or slopes occur very rarely, but they are sometimes admitted. No, the window will not fall out, but here small blows of cold air can be noticed. Due to cold air, the temperature of the glass unit will always be too low, which again will affect the appearance of condensation. In this case, only the elimination of the source of cold air will help you.
In fact in most cases, only daily ventilation of the room is sufficient. But all the same, we should try to eliminate allPossible causes that can affect the appearance of condensate. And now, when you know why the plastic windows are sweating, you will not have much difficulty in preventing condensation.