How to wash windows?

Traditional Window Wash is a three-stage process: first washed glass, then comes the turn of the window frames and at the end the window sill is washed. The greatest difficulty is usually the washing of window panes.
Today for washing of glasses it is thought up setmeans. But you can cope with the pollution of windows without the notorious "chemistry": soap solution or liquid ammonia solution, as well as acetic salt solution is perfect for this purpose.
Wipe the glass best with a cloth made of microfiber - it does not leave villi. In a prepared solution (soap or other), the cloth is wetted, slightly wrung out. Then the windows are wiped with a cloth. After this, wash the windows with clean water and wipe them with a dry, clean cloth made of microfiber. To give the final shine to clean window panes will help newspapers. It is necessary to wipe their glasses, replacing them as necessary, is an old proven method.
For those who do not want to mess with newspapers and a lot of rags, there is other way of washing windows. Used in this method, screed (strand), a regular foam rubber sponge, water and a little detergent.
A small amount of detergent is dissolved in water: it is important not to overdo it, because with the help ofa lot of foam sponge. The finished solution is applied to the windows using a sponge. Particular attention is paid to the places where the glass is attached to the frame - this is where most of the dirt accumulates.
The next step is the use of a screed. Movements from top to bottom are necessary with the help of a screed"Drive" the dirt down. Then again, moisten the window with a sponge and proceed with the final cleaning of the glass. To do this, place the screed parallel to the sides of the window, at an angle of 20-30 ° with respect to the glass.
Move the screed from one side of the window to the other,performing horizontal "passages". It is important that every new "pass" for 1-2 cm "overlaps" the previous one - this will ensure the absence of divorce. After each "passage" the screed must be wiped dry.
By the way, it is noticed that wash the windows best in cloudy weather, when the glass does not get direct sunlight. This will avoid the appearance of divorce, because in the sun, detergents quickly dry up, so there are divorces.
After the glass is washed, remains to bring cleanliness on the frames, windowsill, slopes. This is not difficult. Use a soapy solution or a ready-to-use detergent. It is important to remember that if the frames and window sill near the window are plastic, then abrasive cleaners for washing them will not work.
Many prefer wash the windows only once or twice a year - with the onset of autumn andspring. However, this approach is not entirely correct: if the windows are heavily soiled, then do not wait to remove these impurities. It is always easier and faster to remove those contaminants from windows that have not yet had time to "eat".