How to insulate windows

Warming of wooden windows
If you decide to insulate windows with wooden frames, wait until the dry weather - the frames should be dry. Before you warm the windows, they need to be washed. First, wipe the glass with a damp cloth, thenwipe the water with a dry cloth, and to make the glass shine, they are also wiped with a newspaper. If the wooden frames are painted with oil paint, they are washed with warm water with ammonia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Very dirty places are cleaned with a soft brush. Then wipe the frame with a soft, and then with a dry cloth. Frames can not be washed with soap, soda or with alkaline substances - the paint can fade and crack.
To insulate windows, you need to purchase in the hardware store special foam rubber strips. They are imposed along the perimeter of the window (or balconydoors, if you need to insulate the balcony). Foam is glued with glue or oil paint to the tone of the frames. To do this, spread the frame with a thin layer of paint or glue, top with foam rubber, ironing it with your finger. After that you need to close the windows on all latches and do not open until the paint or glue is dry.
If you are not going to open the window in winter, you can warm the windows with cotton wool (foam rubber) and paper. Screw in the cracks of cotton or foam, and from aboveput paper strips about 5 cm wide, having previously smeared them with CMC glue. Silicate glue can not be used, it can stain the glass. If you do not have glue, you can insulate windows using an aqueous solution of flour or starch. Instead of cotton wool or foam rubber, you can take the soaked newsprint.
Warming of plastic windows
It is believed that the plastic windows are sealed by themselves and do not need to be insulated. but factory defects and incorrect installation of windows can lead to the fact that the plastic windows will blow. In this case, you will have to insulate the windows.
First of all, you need to contact the company,which installed you windows. If they are still under warranty, the company is obliged to insulate the PVC windows for free, eliminating defects, replacing the seal and moving the fittings to winter mode. Most often practiced insulation of windows according to Swedish technology, which includes a whole range of works.
First the master removes the windows from the frame of the sash and checks the serviceability of the fittings. Defective or broken fittings (ties, loops, bolts, locks, etc.) must be replaced. After that, all the glasses sealed with a transparent silicone gel. This is done so that the glass is not blown out, and the glass itself is not rattled.
Then the interframe seal is installed. After this, the groove of the groove is milled along the perimeter, and it is inserted into it Swedish sealant, which gave the name of this technology. Having completed the installation of the seal, the master must put a new (with the seal) in mind the locking bars of the window, so that the handle moves smoothly. All locks and hinges are lubricated with engine oil, the wings are installed on the frames, and the windows are adjusted to the seal. Warming of windows on Swedish technology is completed!
If the windows are frozen
If you were able to insulate the windows, but in frost onthey are formed ice, it is necessary to clean the windows from the ice. Scraping it is impossible, so you can scratch the window glass or even break it. Glasses are wiped a solution of common salt or a mixture of glycerol and denatured alcohol in the ratio 1:20. Wipe the frozen windows with a soft cloth, sponge or brush.
To prevent contamination of windows and the appearance of ice, you can also wipe them a mixture of water and glycerin (in the proportion of 3:7), in which a few drops of ammonia are added. Dirt settles on the formed glycerin film, which is easily washed off by washing the windows. The same glycerin film prevents the formation of ice.
Now you know how to insulate windows, and winter frosts are no longer dangerous to you! But usually the insulation of windows preparation for the cold season not limited to: you may need to warm the house or office more thoroughly.