New Year together

First of all, one point should be clarified. Meeting the New Year together, you and the celebration should be prepared together. Of course, many will want to make their secondhalf surprise. But if the entire training falls on the shoulders of one of the pair, there is a high probability that by the evening it (or it) will be completely powerless, and there will not be a normal celebration. So all the same, divide the training duties for two, but at the same time leave a "room for maneuver" so that you (and you) can make a surprise.
Many prefer to celebrate New Year together in their own family nest, preparing a romantic dinner. We think, talk about how to createromantic atmosphere, we do not need: the most common methods have long been known, and the concept of romance has its own. For someone, romance is pink petals and essential oils, and for some, the most romantic things in the world are a cozy sweater and mulled wine with cinnamon.
But a couple of things still need to be considered. At first, dinner should be easy. Many inertia prepare for the New Year a hugenumber of dishes, which then there is no one. If you celebrate the New Year together, there is no need to cover such a rich table. Limit light salads, meat or fish, and instead of cake you can make jelly or simply buy fruit. Secondly, If you plan to watch New Year's and Christmas movies, make a selection in advance, so as not to spoil New Year's Eve by arguing that you will watch.
If you do not want to cook, and instead of sitting at home, you prefer to "get out into people", you can meet the New Year together in a restaurant. Only a table is better booked in advance,because the idea to visit a restaurant on New Year's Eve might come to mind a lot. It is better to specify in advance whether the banquets are planned in the institution, or to choose a quiet place where the banquet hall is separated from the main one. Noisy company, celebrating the New Year in the same restaurant as you, can nullify all your lyrical spirit.
If you want a more "active" celebration, go to the night club. "What a New Year's Eve together in a nightclub?"" - you ask. Yes, in many people the dancing crowd is not at all associated with intimacy, but some couples and on the dance floor manage to feel as if they are alone in the whole world. And you can try to "refresh feelings": come to the club separately, play a chance acquaintance, dance a lot, and then go home (pretending, of course, that this is the house of one of you).
Those who have a cottage or a country house, can meet the New Year alone just there. New Year at the fireplace in cozy armchairs or on a soft carpet (or even a bear's skin) - what can bemore romantic? Cook the fragrant mulled wine and be pampered yourself with fondue - you can cheese, you can have chocolate, or you can both. In the morning, go for a walk: play snowballs, ride a sled. And be sure to build a snowman: one must guard someone's dacha when you leave for the city.
As an option, you can leave the city on New Year's Eve. Many people like to celebrate the New Year in Europe or even in warm countries. Believe me, this holiday will be remembered for a long time. Naturally, the tour must be booked in advance, before the holidays in travel agencies, a real hype. And if you want privacy, try to choose a hotel in which Russian tourists usually do not stop. Because if you meet compatriots on New Year's Eve, there is a risk that you can not see solitude: under the slogan "Russians should stick together" you can be dragged to a noisy party.
If Europe or the warm lands do not shine to you, you can go to another city. In the afternoon walk the streets, admiresights, get warm in cafes. You can even go to the cinema or the theater: on December 31, local residents are likely to be busy preparing for the holiday, and there will be no shortage of tickets. And closer to the evening, buy a bottle of champagne and go to the central square. In large cities in the central square, New Year concerts are usually held, so you will not have to miss.
But in fact, it is not important where and how you meet the New Year. The important thing is with whom you meet him. They say that with a nice paradise and in a hut. We are sure that your New Year together with your loved one will be the most romantic holiday in your life - simply because you love each other.