signs of wit and superstition
When the long-awaited wedding day comes, the newlyweds are worried and become especially impressionable. Then they begin to believe in wedding signs and superstitions.

Since ancient times our ancestors are sacred believed in wedding signs and superstitions. They sincerely believed: if you listen to the signs and do everything as they say - the married life will certainly be happy, secured, and the children - healthy and beautiful. Modern youth do not pay attention to this as much as our grandparents do, but they are still interested and listens to these tips "from above," although their truthfulness has not been confirmed by science.

Wedding Dress

The most important attribute of the appearance of the bride. A sign warns: the groom should not see him before the wedding - to parting with the couple. You can not look in the mirror when the bride is completely ready for the wedding ceremony. You need to remove at least an earring or a shoe.

Wedding rings

Wedding rings should be smooth, without threads and stones. You should not try on wedding rings for other people before the wedding. In addition to the wedding ring, there should not be any other rings on the fingers. And to put on the rings of parents or someone else's - to repeat someone else's destiny.

On the day of the wedding

The groom has stepped on a puddle - will be a drunkard, and ifstumbled on the threshold of the registry office - doubts the choice of narrowed. The bride needs to be neat with a dress. If the wedding dress was torn - carefully, grumpy mother-in-law. Well, a broken heel means a broken family life. If the wedding band fell in the registry office - expect treason.

Wedding signs have positive values. For example, if it rains on the wedding day -family life promises to be happy and prosperous. The same applies to witnesses, if the witness of the bride is not married. But a sign for those girls who really want to get married and immediately: pull yourself a tablecloth from the festive table - your desire will soon come true.

Wedding signs and superstitions often violate the plansyoung couples wishing to get married. Most couples are wary of marrying in a high year, mistakenly considering it unhappy, although there is no confirmation of this. Also is considered a bad omen to celebrate the wedding in the next two years after the high. These two years in the people are called "the year of the widow" and "the year of the widower". So what happens? You have to wait three years? It's up to you to decide whether to believe or not.


Special procedure. On the day of the wedding wedding signs prohibit someone to touch the clothes of the bride and groom. To the union of a young couple was strong, you can not pass or become between them. The bride and groom must always be next to each other. Already in the church, everyone, holding their breath, watches how the young blow out the candles. There is a sign: whose candle first goes out - the first one to die. Therefore, the newlyweds are trying to blow out the candles at the same time. After the wedding, the bride and groom must necessarily look in the mirror together, holding hands to fix the wedding ceremony.

The wedding sign sprinkled with rice and wheat wedding machines also extends to the wedding ceremony, namely at the time when the young leave the church. This is for wealth and prosperity.

If you believe in wedding signs and superstitions and want to know more - here are a few more instructions:

  • if during the wedding the bride has pricked a finger - will often quarrel with the spouse;

  • a bad omen - to break a mirror or forget something at home before the marriage ceremony;

  • so that the loved one does not go "left", the bride should not let her friends in front of her;

  • The British consider the coincidence of the first letters of the couple's surnames to be a bad omen;

  • if you marry in the afternoon - he will be happy;

  • who first crosses the threshold of the dwelling - he will dominate the family;

  • if a piece of jewelry fell from the bride - to the empty embezzlement of her husband.

Wedding signs and superstitions can be listed for a long time. There are quite a few of them. To give them value or not is your business.

Enjoy a wonderful day of marriage and do not think about signs and superstitions, because our fate is in our hands.

signs of wit and superstition
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