Rules of etiquette at the table: cutlery

Many people are embarrassed to go to restaurants, because they do not know how to properly use cutlery. Since childhood, we are taught to hold a fork in the right hand. We use the knife only to cut the bread. And in the West, children from a small age are taught to use the knife and fork correctly. After all, the rules of etiquette at the table say that the knife should be in the right hand, and the fork in the left. Let's figure out how to properly use the devices.
Hospitable educated masters will always befollow the rules for the reception of guests in your home. The rules of table etiquette will also be carefully observed. Guests who do not know them will become very uncomfortable. Therefore, we recommend already now learn how to use various cutlery.
You need to remember that all appliances that are located on the left (and this is always a plug), Keep in the left hand. On the right are spoons and knives, which are held in the right hand. If you see that there are also on the tableappliances for common dishes, located with the handle to the left, they should be taken with your left hand. A similar rule is used for instruments with a handle to the right. Now we will describe in more detail how to use these or other devices.
How to hold the plug
There are several rules that describe when the fork is held in the left hand, and when in the right. If you have enough soft dishes, suchlike an omelet, vegetables or casserole, you can safely take a fork in your right hand. To divide these dishes into pieces, they do not resort to the help of a knife, but do it with a fork. Similarly come with cutlets, zrazes, cabbage rolls, meatballs and other dishes from chopped meat. The rules of table etiquette are allowed to eat these dishes only with a fork. Also, do not cut dumplings, dumplings and cooked vegetables with a knife.
Also keep the fork in the right hand when you are in front of a fish dish. But this is only if there is nospecial devices for fish dishes: knife with a blunt blade and a fork with four teeth. Fish can also be eaten with two forks. If you decide to use only one fork, then you can hold it in your right hand, helping yourself to a piece of bread that is in the left.
How to keep a knife
The knife is always held in the right hand. To his help resorted quite often, becauseyou need to cut the meat. Remember that you can not cut the entire dish into pieces at once, then the food will cool down very quickly and lose its taste. Cut a piece by piece. If small children at the table who are not yet quite used to using the knife, then they can immediately cut all the food.
Cutting meat into pieces, do not exert too much effort. A cut piece can slip out ofplates and fall on the tablecloth. If you have potatoes in front of you, it can be divided into pieces with a fork, and since a crusty crust can be too hard, it can be cut with a knife.
How to hold a spoon
Spoon is used only for soups and broths. The spoon is held in such a way that the thumb lies on top of her handle. In order not to splash your outfit, draw liquid from the dish in the direction away from yourself.
If before you a chicken broth with pieces of meat - it is simultaneously the first and second course. Therefore, the liquid is eaten with a spoon. To meat, they start only when there is no broth left in the plate. He is eaten with a knife and fork. But this rule can be neglected, so see how your neighbors do at the table.
Do not blow on liquid if it is too hot, just wait until the dish gets cold. If there are meatballs or dumplings in the soup and you would like to divide them into pieces, then this is done with a spoon. To finish the soup, raise the plate with your left hand in direction from yourself.
To serve the first dish, a large cup can also be used. Bouillon, cream soup or soup is eaten with a small dessert spoon. Experts say that if a cup for soup is about two pens, then the first is drunk from it, like tea or coffee. But in practice this rule can be retreated.
The rules of etiquette at the table require that after the end of the meal a spoon was left in the dish where there was soup. The knife and fork are placed parallel to each other - a kniferight, fork on the left. If you need to move away for any reason, cross the knife with the fork on your plate. In this case, the knife handle should look to the right, and the knob handle to the left. This is a sign that you have not finished with your dish, so your plate will not be changed.