How to make a Christmas tree?It happens that there is no way to put in an apartmentChristmas tree. So, to remain without a Christmas tree and festive mood? Not at all! A miniature toy tree can be made by yourself! The country of the Soviets will tell, how to make a Christmas tree.

"Pocket" Christmas tree with your own hands can be made from a variety of materials. We will show you how to make a Christmas tree made of fabric, felt, paper and even a brush for cleaning bottles! The only thing that can limit you is your own imagination.

How to make a Christmas tree?Christmas Tree from fabric to make it very simple. First you need to draw a pattern of the future tree on thick paper or cardboard. It can be both symmetrical (for this, you need to fold the paper in half, draw half the tree and cut it without touching the fold line) or asymmetric. The pattern should not be too small, so that the Christmas tree can then be filled with cotton. Do not forget the seam allowances!

Put the Christmas tree pattern on the fabric and circle - youyou need two blanks. You can make a tree of green fabric, or you can choose fabrics of cheerful colors with funny drawings. Cut out the blanks and place the inner side against each other, aligning the edges. Stitch the workpiece or sew it by hand with a seam "over the edge". Do not sew up the bottom, fill the tree with cotton, sintepon or other filler.

Then you can sew the bottom, and sew the top of the treeloop, for which you will hang a ready Christmas tree. You can do the same in a different way. Insert a "tree" in the Christmas tree (a wooden stick) and sew them with Christmas trees so that the stick is securely fastened. Insert a stick into the stand (for example, a thread reel or a pot of earth). You can embroider a fir-tree with ribbons, beads, beads or buttons.

Christmas Tree from paper also quite easy to do, it will cope with thiseven a child. Just take a sheet of thick paper or thin cardboard and glue a cone out of it - this will be the basis of the future tree. From multi-colored paper, foil or packaging film, cut small pieces and glue them around the cone - with tiers, from the bottom up. Each new tier should be halfway over the next one so that the base can not be seen. The top of the Christmas tree can be decorated with a star made of cardboard and pasted with foil.

How to make a Christmas tree?You can make a Christmas tree from felt or felt. Felt canvas of any color can be madeindependently, using the technique of wet felting. There are several variants of Christmas trees made of felt or felt. You can cut two pieces, glue or sew together and sew to the top of the loop for hanging. And you can cut out a few circles of different diameter from green felt and thread them on a wire rod, inserted into the stand - from bigger to smaller, a pyramid. Cut the edges of the beads and beads, imitating Christmas toys, and decorate the top of the felt tree with a star. By the same principle, you can "collect" a Christmas tree from other materials.

Herringbone from a brush for bottles is generally elementary! With the help of nippers, bite off the long wire handle of the brush and fix it on the stand. Scissors give the brush a conical shape - it will be a real Christmas tree. You can leave it "as is", and you can paint with a can of green, silver or golden automotive paint and decorate with tinsel.

It's very easy to make a Christmas tree from cardboard - it will be volumetric and can stand on a levelsurface. To do this, take a thin cardboard and cut out two pieces of the Christmas tree from it. It is best to use cardboard, colored on both sides. The blanks must be symmetrical. Each piece cut along the axis of symmetry - one to the top to the middle, the second - from the bottom to the middle. Insert one piece into the other, as a result of the base of both blanks, you must form the correct cross. You can paste pieces of foil on a prepared Christmas tree or draw patterns on it with colored glitter.

As you can see, a Christmas tree with your own hands is quite simple. We hope that you have found useful tips on how to make a New Year tree from materials at hand.

How to make a Christmas tree?
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