Internet rating. Elections 2010Very soon in Ukraine will take place next presidential election. Active political agitation in the media, hugebillboards with political slogans ... Even before the beginning of the official pre-election race, various companies in Ukraine and abroad conducted sociological surveys and studies to identify the most likely winner in the presidential elections of Ukraine 2010. Do you know what good is the Internet? The fact that, even without having a huge staff of the sociological institute, anyone can determine for themselves which of the presidential candidates is popular among the population of the country. And this will help us Google stats.

As you know, it is with the help of search enginespeople are looking for interesting information on the Internet. Google - one of the most popular search services in Ukraine, so its statistics allow you to accurately judge the popularity of certain search queries in Ukraine.

For example, graph of the popularity of the search query "elections" in Ukraine from 2004 to the present.

Graph of the popularity of the search query for elections in Ukraine from 2004 to the present

The numbers on this and the following graphs show the proportion of searches for a given query inthe total number of searches made in Google for a certain time. These numbers do not represent the absolute values ​​of the search volume, since the data is shown in a normalized form and displayed on a scale of 0 to 100.

Each point on the graph corresponds to the maximum value, i.e. 100. For example, suppose that the interest in the search query of the ski increased sharply in November. The system assigns this peak a value of 100. Now suppose that in December there was a significant decrease in interest and the next peak was about half the November time. This peak is assigned a value of 50, and so on. If there is not enough data, 0 is displayed. The numbers indicated next to the search queries above the graph are the total values.

As can be seen from the graph above, the maximum number of search requests "elections" was on November 2004. It was during the late autumn - early winter 2004 events that went down in history as the "orange revolution". The next peak on the chart, March 2006, indicates the high interest of Internet users from Ukraine to the next parliamentary elections. Peaks attributable to October 2007 and May 2008 associated with extraordinary parliamentary elections inUkraine. Thus, this graph very graphically illustrates the political situation in the country and what interest it causes in the population. As you can see, compared to 2004, the popularity of the "election" request is now very small.

Internet ratings presidential candidates for elections 2010 is made not a little. We'll talk with you again about Google statistics. Let's see together dynamics of popularity search queries related to the surnames of "main" presidential candidates, starting from 2004 to the present day.

Dynamics of the popularity of search queries related to the names of the main presidential candidates

Please note that the popularity of the requests indicated on this chart is more or less consistent with the "distribution of forces" following the results of the presidential election in 2004. Based on this can we assume that there is some dependence between the popularity of the request with the name of the candidate and his real popularity among the population?

Let's look at the graph of the dynamics of popularity of the same requests for the last year, the last 3 months and a month.

Last 12 months

Last 90 days

Last 30 days

As you can see from these graphs, the number of search queries in Google related to the name of the presidential candidate Yulia Tymoshenko higher than the number of requests related to the names of other candidates.

And now let us turn to the figures of official sociological research. So, according to a poll conducted by the Center for Social and Marketing Research SOCIS from September 20 to October 1, 28.7% of respondents are ready to vote for Viktor Yanukovych, 19% for Tymoshenko, 19.2% for Yatsenyuk, 8.2% for A.Yatsenyuk, 3.6% for P. Symonenko, 2 for Lytvyn, 9%, V.Yushchenko - 2.8%, S.Tigipko - 2.6%.

The survey conducted FOM-Ukraine LLC in the period from September 26 to October 4, showed that 26.8% of respondents are ready to vote for Yanukovych, 15.6% for Tymoshenko. The leader of the "Front for Change" A.Yatseniuk is supported by 9.3% of Ukrainians.

According to the poll R & B Group, held on October 2-12, for the leader of the Partyregions are ready to vote 30.2% of respondents, 18.5% - for the leader of BYuT. At the same time, 8.9% would support the leader of the "Front for Change" A. Yatsenyuk, 4.1% - the leader of the Bloc of Left Forces P. Symonenko, 3.1% - the current president V. Yushchenko, 2.7% - S.Tigipko, 2.4% - Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, V. Lytvyn.

According to a survey from the company TNS, held from December 7 to December 14, 2009, for V. Yanukovych is ready to vote 26.3% of the vote, for Tymoshenko 18.6% and for S. Tigipko - 5.6%. Following are V. Yushchenko with 4.2% rating, A. Yatseniuk with 4.1%, V. Lytvyn with 3.1% and P. Simonenko with 2.3%.

On January 17, 2010 at the age of 20:00, the doors of the polling stations closed behind the last citizens who on that day expressed their will by secret ballot on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage (according to the Constitution of Ukraine). From this moment, a scrupulous vote count has been started, which may take more than a day.

As reported on the official website of the CEC, onAccording to 91.16% of processed protocols, 22 279 455 voters in Ukraine participated in the voting. 1.63% of the ballots in Ukraine are declared invalid.

Candidate% BEHINDVotes for
Yanukovich V.F.35.347 874 437
Timoshenko Yu. V.24.975 563 632
Tigipko S.L. 13.052 908 927
Yatseniuk A.P. 6.981 556 643
Yushchenko VA 5.481 222 120
Simonenko PM 3.54789 683
Litvin V.M. 2.33520 695
Tyagnibok O.Ya. 1.45324 943
Gritsenko AS 1.21270 514
Bogoslovskaya IG 0.4294 113
Moroz AA 0.3886 641
Kostenko Yu.I. 0.2249 805
Suprun L.P. 0.1942 789
Protyvsikh V.V. 0.1636 521
A.V. Pabat 0.1432 052
Ratushnyak SM 0.1228 219
Brodsky M. Yu. 0.0613 619
Ryabokon OV 0.037 549

In the elections on January 17 in Ukraine was heldNational Exit Fair 2010, organized jointly by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation, the Kiev International Institute of Sociology and the Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Studies named after Alexander Razumkov.

According to the chairman of the Democraticinitiatives, "Ilko Kucheriva, a total of 12,546 respondents were polled in 240 polling stations. On average, 74 voters were interviewed on each site. The statistical error of the sample does not exceed 1.3%.

An interesting picture of the data obtained when comparing the results of voting of urban and rural population. How different are the numbers for each candidate?

According to the data published on the official website of the National exit poll "2010, the urban and rural population of Ukraine voted as follows:

Data of the National exit-poll'2010 by type of settlement (in%)

Theophany Inna0.40.2
Brodsky Mikhail0.00.1
Gritsenko Anatoly1.91.1
KOSTENKO Yuri0.20.2
LITVIN Vladimir2.13.1
MOROZ Alexander0.40.6
Pabat Alexander0.10.2
ARMED Vasily0.10.2
Ratushnyak Sergey0.30.1
Ryabokon Oleg0.10.0
SIMONENKO Peter2.92.4
SUPRUN Lyudmila0.10.3
Yulia Timoshenko23.234.2
TIGIPKO Sergey16.18.6
TYAGNIBOK Oleg2.21.9
YUSHCHENKO Victor4.19.4
Viktor Yanukovych34.625.3
Yatsenyuk Arseny7.19.1
Not supported any candidates3.02.4
I do not remember0.50.3
Number of incorrectly filled questionnaires0.60.4

Which of these can be inferred? After reviewing the data provided by the National Exit Poll 2010 and graphs of the dynamics of the popularity of the relevant search queries, one can note that such candidates as Yanukovych, Tymoshenko, Tigipko, occupy a leading position not only according to the CEC and exit polls, but also on the "Google-version". For example, according to the exit poll, villagersgave up most of their votes to Yulia Tymoshenko, in second place - Viktor Yanukovych, but on the third with 9.4% of votes - Yushchenko, although according to the survey of the urban population, the three leaders look like Yanukovich, Tymoshenko, Tigipko. Why are the numbers so different, do you think?

Google's statistics show that usersoften enter in the search string queries related to such popular keywords as "timoshenko" and "Yanukovych." And what kind of information interests users of the Google search engine? We offer a look at statistics of the most popular search queries related to the terms "timoshenko" and "Yanukovych" for the last 30 days in Ukraine:

The most popular searches for last 30 days for Ukraine related to Yanukovych

The most popular searches for the last 30 days in Ukraine related to the term timoshenko
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