Search the Internet

Search on the Internet requires knowledge of certain principles and tricks. How to find the information you need as quickly as possible? It is necessary only to observe certain regulations.
- Correctly formulate the search query. It should not be either too short or too long. The optimal length of the search query is 2-3 words.
- If the result did not satisfy you, try changing the query, rearranging the words in the query or using synonyms.
- To find the exact phrase or quotation, enclose the search query in quotation marks.
- Usually the introduction of a refined query is more efficient than the search for results.
- Try not to formulate a search query in the form of a query to the search engine.
- Pay attention to the domains of sites from the SERP, so that you do not accidentally go through a suspicious link.
- Usually the most successful links and in-demandThe information is on the first two or three pages of the SERP. By the way, not the fact that the best information will be exclusively on the first page.
- Use more than one search engine, and a few. Different search engines have a different ranking principle, so what is not found in one can be found in another.
- Use additional search engine technologies of search engines (search by pictures, search by region, search on blogs, advanced search, etc.).
- Use the search capabilities of browsers. For example, the Ctrl + F key combination includes a page search.
Please note that the results of the search are dynamic and in a few days or even hours canto change. Therefore, the found useful link is immediately added to the bookmarks: the next time the search result on the Internet may be different, and you will simply lose once found the site.
In order to facilitate the search on the Internet, the Google search engine offers a number of additional operators and functions, which allow you to more accurately formulate a search query and make a search on the Internet more efficient.
- Sign + Enables you to force a word in the query: + how to search on the Internet. If it is in the middle of a sentence, you need to put a space in front of it.
- Sign - Excludes a word from the list of search results: cars-domestic.
- Word OR or sign | | are used to search for one of two words: CD OR MP3 player (CD | MP3 player).
- Sign ~ (tilde) allows you to find synonyms of words from the query: buy ~ motorcycle.
- Sign * means any word: essay on *.
- Two points (..) are used to search within a certain range of values: player for 150..200 dollars.
These operators have an impact on the search query itself. The following group of operators simplifies the search on the Internet, narrowing the circle of searches: pages in the issue are selected according to a certain criterion.
- Operator Site It is necessary for search on indexed pages of a concrete site. It can be used both to find all indexed pages (site:, and to search by keywords on these pages (site: hobby).
- Operator Filetype allows you to find files of a certain format, for example: Biology summary filetype: rtf.
- Operator Cache displays pages stored in the cache of the search engine: cache: Why is this necessary? It happens that the necessary material has been removed from the site, but it is stored for some time in the cache.
- Operator Define allows you to find the definition of words and phrases: define search engine.
- To search for sites that are similar in theme to a specific site, use the operator Related: related:
Some Google search features can greatly simplify everyday life: here you and weather forecast, and the currency converter, and much more.
- In order to learn weather forecast, it is enough to enter the word "weather" and the name of your country and locality: The weather in Moscow. For the United States except the city state and the index are indicated.
- If you need to know TimezoneIn which there is one or another city, enter in the search box the phrase "time zone" and the name of the city: time zone Kaliningrad.
- You can limit the search for various organizations (restaurants, shops, etc.) a certain city: pizza in Kazan.
- If you want to know movie schedule in a certain locality, add the name of your city to the "cinema" request: cinema in Sochi.
- For search maps of cities the following search query is used: map of Saint-Petersburg (substitute the desired city), from the search results page you can go to the Google Maps service.
- The Google search string can be used as a calculator, by entering into it an example that needs to be calculated: (7 + 3 * 5) / 11 =
- Also this search engine allows convert units of measurement from the English system of measures to the metric and vice versa: 9.5 yards in centimeters.
- In addition to converting units, you can also convert currency different countries, for example: 200 US dollars in rubles.
Of course, this is far from a complete list of functions and operators, but first you should have enough of them. Search on the Internet can be complicated by the fact that Not all operators and functions always work correctly. Often, for example, the "Related" results in incorrect search results.
Search the Internet at first glance veryis simple. But then, faced with a huge amount of information that is difficult to filter, many users are disappointed in the search engines. And in vain! The ability to correctly formulate a query and knowledge of certain subtleties and tricks will save you from tedious walking on unnecessary and uninformative sites.
Search on the Internet can be fast and efficient - if you know how to look right!