5 Unusual Ways to Pack a Gift
We often forget about packing for a gift. But the desire to open a box or a package with a present as soon as possible does not make it less enjoyable from the deployment of a beautiful wrapper with a bow. In the master class we will tell you how to pack a gift.
Watercolor abstraction
A great way for those who are urgently neededa gift paper or someone just tired of the monotony of its colors in stores. Take white thin paper, watercolor paint, a wide soft brush and a white pencil (preferably wax).
"Draw" the whole surface with a white pencilpaper - you can write a congratulation on the holiday, the name of someone to whom you give a gift, any wishes or just draw funny animals or little men, patterns and curls. Click on the pencil more strongly and try to make lines as thick as possible, spend them several times next to each other.
Then paint the paper - wide strokes, adding more water to make the colors softer, and the spots - wider and more vague. Start with the lightest colors, and then go to the dark ones.
Under the abstract pattern of colorful spots appearsections of paper that you sketched in pencil - because the watercolor hardly falls on wax and even on a thick pencil line. All letters and patterns will be clearly visible.
Prints with potatoes
For lovers of minimalism and rigor -laconic pattern of simple details. It can be questioned with seals for scrapbooking, if you have them, but you can do without them: just cut out the desired shape on half of raw potatoes. For example, you want to print from a triangle; Mark it on a potato with a knife, and then cut everything around the pattern to a depth of about 4 mm. Now just dunk the potatoes in the paint and put prints on the paper, and then, when it dries, wrap a gift in it.
Best of all, these prints look on kraft paper.
Furoshiki invented in Japan, it's a way of packaging, which is something like origami, just made from fabric. Japanese decorate such a package in addition with various details, for example, dry flowers.
To wrap up a gift, you will needdense cotton cloth and dry small flowers. There are several ways of furoshiki, you can choose any; this one, for example, is considered the most classic.
Unfold the fabric and put it in the center itself.gift. Then close it with one of the corners of the fabric, and on top of it - the opposite. You will have two protruding triangles in the side of the triangle and one small triangle, freely hanging from the edge of the gift. Tie a simple knot large triangles over the gift, and in the knot, slightly loosening it, thread a small bunch of dried flowers.
This method is best suited for books and rectangular boxes.
Paper bag with butterfly
In this kulechke it is good to give different pleasantUncommon little things, including sweets. To make it, you will need scissors, a needle, colored butterflies from tissue paper, threads, a ribbon, a stapler, a thick paper (a square sheet, you can take a thick napkin) of a contrasting color, and a string with a wish or a name (you can print it, or you can write by hand on a piece of white paper).
Roll the open paper out of thick paper, and then give it a more rigorous shape, pushing the palm over it. Fasten the edges of the paper with a stapler at the back. Put a gift inside.
Now fold the remaining paper triangle. Pierce the needle with the needle so that the hole is in the "valve" and on the surface below it, near the paper clip. Also puncture the strip with a wish.
Thread the first, "bottom" hole thread,string a strip of paper on it with the inscription up, then thread the thread into the valve (making it a kind of lock for the bag), and tie the paper butterfly from the top. Done.
Kraft paper with a pompon made of thread
One of the simplest, but spectacular ways.
Pack the gift in kraft paper as usual, butInstead of the tape, use 5-6 thick yarns that converge in the center. Add another bunch of threads, tie them together, and then cut at a distance of 4-5 cm - you will get a pompom.