How to beautifully pack a gift in a gift paper: step-by-step photos and videos
It is original and beautiful to present a gift not sodifficult, as often seems at first glance. Pack a gift in a box and a gift paper with your own hands is quite real. Using step-by-step recommendations, accompanied by photos and videos, you can beautifully draw a present. Thanks to simple and intuitive tips, it's easy to wrap both a large and a small gift in special paper. And the form of the presentation is not fundamental. Below are recommendations for packaging rectangular and round gifts.
Step-by-step instruction on gift wrapping in gift paper
Read three detailed step-by-step instructions on how to properly and beautifully pack a gift, and then you will definitely cope with this matter!
Box packing of standard format
Everyone can beautifully package a gift in a gift paper if you use the proposed step-by-step instruction.
For packing it is necessary to prepare:
beautiful ribbon;
packing paper;
double sided tape.
If the wrapping of the presentation is done for the first time, it is worthfor the beginning to be trained on the newspaper or unnecessary sheets. This will allow you to adjust to work and avoid mistakes when the gift itself is drawn up.
As a basis, a beautiful giftpaper. It will be necessary to cut off the right amount of material. Then put it upside down. There is a box with a gift on it. Its bottom should look up.
Next, you need to wrap a box with a gift from the farside. To fix the gift paper you need to cut off a piece of double-sided adhesive tape. Then the material is stretched over the gift, so that there are no wrinkles and "waves" left.
Now you need to thoroughly close the seam so thatThe lacquer side of the wrapping paper was not visible. For this, the edge is bent. The width of the fold should vary from 0.5 to 1 cm. Then the material is well stretched and fixed with pieces of scotch.
Then it is necessary to disguise the sidesgift. It is most convenient to fold the wrapping paper along the upper edge of the box. That's why it is recommended to start from the top. First of all, you need to wrap the material around the height of the box. Gift paper is turned inwards so that sharp corners are formed about 45 degrees. Obtained strips should be glued to the body of the box. The same actions must be repeated from the opposite side.
This is the basis for packaging.
When you wrap the presentation in paper with your own hands, you can use a visual diagram. This step-by-step instruction will help those who decided to pack a gift in paper for the first time.
Now you need to decorate the packaging. To make everything beautiful, you need to take the tape as the basis. Its length should be about 5 times larger than the longest side of the gift. Place the box upside down in the middle of the tape. The right end of the tape should be placed above the left edge. Decor should be thoroughly stretched.
Then the box is turned over. Both edges of the tape should be slipped under the strip, which is already well stretched.
Then you need to tie a bow and gently straighten it.
With the help of scissors it is necessary to make out the free sides of the ribbon.
That's all! Gift, packed in bright and stylish gift paper, ready!
Packing of a round box
It is quite difficult to pack beautifully and accuratelygifts of round shape. However, this task can be solved quickly and creatively. The attractiveness of the method proposed below is that such decoration of the souvenir involves the use of a minimum amount of paper and almost complete rejection of additional decor. This version of the package is self-contained in its simplicity and conciseness.
To design a round gift, you will need to prepare a glue gun, paper with a bright pattern, a cardboard circle, scissors, tape or twine, a stapler.
Getting started, you need to startmeasure the diameter and height of the box. In accordance with the received sizes it is necessary to cut out a rectangle from a gift paper. The height of this part should be the figure obtained from the height of the box, which was multiplied by 1.5. The length of the figure is equal to the diameter of the souvenir. The resulting rectangle should be cut into strips. Their width should not exceed 3 cm.
In all the strips to be obtained,small hole. It is performed on the narrow side by means of a punch. The other edge is fixed to the cardboard circle, so that out of all the cut pieces a three-dimensional fan is obtained. Then you need to wait a little so that the glue dries.
Place the souvenir in the center of the received design. Cut a ribbon or a piece of twine. Pass the material through the holes on all the strips. In order to be convenient, one should turn the workpieces one by one to the center of the circle. Twine (tape) should be tightened sufficiently.
When all the stripes are assembled together, the tape(twine) you need to tie the knot. This will allow to fix the structure and prevent its "sprawl". Excess amount of material should be cut off, and the workpiece itself is fixed on a knot, which is best camouflaged with a bow. It can be formed from the remnants of the tape.
That's all! Packing for the gift of a round shape is ready.
Packing a big gift
If the gift is large enough and cumbersome, this is not at all an occasion to give it in an unattractive form. Such a present can also be stylishly and beautifully decorated with gift paper.
Before you pack a gift, you will need to measure the required amount of gift paper.
A box with a gift is placed on the reverseside of the packaging material. On top of the box, along the entire length, fix a strip of double-sided adhesive tape, after which a protective film is removed from it.
Now the short edge of the gift paper needs to be folded onto the package. At the location of the adhesive tape it needs to be smoothed, and the fold lines should be pressed with your hands.
Then the opposite edge of the paper is wrapped by 2 cm and fixed along the folding line with adhesive tape, from which the protective film is removed.
Around the souvenir, the paper is tightened tightly, and its edges are bent onto the cover of the large box and are glued.
It is necessary to close the sides of the presentation. Previously, the material is bent from above, and the resulting twists are ironed by hand. The corners are fixed with adhesive tape or glue.
The corners of the gift wrap are alternately fixed.
The sides of the received triangle are formed from the inside by double-sided adhesive tape.
The resulting workpiece is pressed tightly to the bottom of the box, after it all the same actions are repeated from the opposite side.
It remains only to decorate the gift with a bow and special ribbons.
Video: how to beautifully pack a gift in a gift paper
Watch a video about how to properly and beautifully pack a gift in a gift paper, and then you definitely will not have any questions!