How to understand a cat?

By the way a cat licking itself, you can understandher mood. If the cat licked neatly and, so to speak, thoroughly, then it is focused and thoughtful, now it is ready to work out several teams. But if a cat licks itself for a very long time, intensely, then, most likely, it is a manifestation of boredom. At such a time with the cat you need to play, caress it.
If the cat licks the host,It's a sign of mercy on her part to get on her knees, look at her master. The cat shows its love for the owner when licking it, rubs against the hands or body.
When a cat is waving its tail - this is not a signjoy or playful mood, as in dogs. Usually a cat shows that she needs to be left behind, left alone. The tattered tail shows the discontent of the cat or its slight fright, but the tail, which is completely lowered or pinched between the hind legs, is a sign that the cat is very frightened or unhappy.
The twitching tip of the tail expresses the cat's extreme concern, perhaps she decides how she should proceed. With a fluffy tail, the cat demonstrates its readiness to attack, anger.
Tell about the behavior of the cat can also her ears. If they are on the vertex, it means that the cat is in a good mood, ready to play with you, but if they are lowered and pressed - it is better to leave the cat alone, she is preparing to defend herself. Is the ears flat and spread apart? This cat expresses its perplexity: what is going on around?
The cat looks at you wide openeyes - it means that she demonstrates her interest in your further actions. Semi-closed eyes symbolize caution or just drowsiness of a cat. The pupils of the frightened cat are round, her look is "mad," and if the cat looks directly into your eyes - know she challenges you. A cat that has fallen to the ground and does not look at you, expresses its obedience.
The cat will express his request, for example, "giveeat "or" play with me, "a very strange way, from a person's point of view: she'll give you a clout or pull for clothes. If the cat beats the paw with force, and even with the claws released, it means that it is protected.
Embracing you with your paws, the cat shows you its love. Another cat can express his love and affection if he rubs your face with his nose or mustache.
In addition, the cat shows its locationpurring - a special vibration of the upper register of the vocal cords. But the sizzling cat warns of his readiness to attack, if necessary. In addition, the cat can arch its back and swell the tail.
A cat usually catches a cat's attention: it can mean "give food" and "I want to go to the toilet." Specific purring and grumbling is produced by cats ready to mate.