Cats and dogs. How to get along with two old rivals?
On the enmity of cats and dogs, the people say, probably,from the time when man just tamed these animals. Cats-dog wars are even devoted to films. Remember "Garfield", "Cats against dogs" ... And yet these animals can perfectly get on with each other. There are many examples of touching friendship and mutual concern between these "sworn enemies". How can you get along with a cat and a dog together?

First, let's think about what lies in theThe reason for the mutual "dislike" between dogs and cats. Many experts are inclined to believe that the enmity of cats and dogs is primarily due to the fact that they "speak different languages". The same gestures or sounds the dog and cat perceive in completely different ways. For example, for a dog, wagging the tail is an expression of joy, but for a cat - a signal of irritation and danger.

Both cats and dogs are hunters by it's nature. Some breeds of dogs were specially bred to obtain unsurpassed hunting qualities, and the warlike blood of menacing lions, tigers or panthers gave the cat no less bellicose qualities than its distant ancestors.

Strangely enough, but in the house where a cat and a dog live, the leader often becomes a cat, despite their smaller size. A cat can scratch a dog, especially if it's a puppy or a dog of small breed. But big dogs, if they feel like a leader, can whack a cat healthy, because if a cat runs away, it serves as an unwitting signal for the dog to pursue.

It is usually a matter of whether to keep a cat togetherdog, arises when one of the animals already lives in the house and the owners want to start a second one. If you already have a cat and you want to have a dog in the house, it is best to choose a puppy in the age of up to 12 weeks. Accordingly, if you already live an adult dog, which is calm about cats, it is best to take a small kitten.

The first meeting kitten and dog should not be forced,let the animals sniff each other at a distance. Both cats and dogs have their own set of "native" smells. Let the animals get used to the new smells for them. Feed the animal at first can be in the same room, but in opposite corners. In this case, animals get used to the smell of each other and associate it with something positive. Even after pets are accustomed to the neighborhood, it is better to feed them separately.

Often a cat and a dog get along well, they are kept together literally from birth. The dog in this case perceives the cat as a member of its pack and will not offend it.

You can not buy a new pet, when your old favorite has acquired offspring or expects his appearance. During this period, animals are always particularly aggressive and do not let anyone in. Therefore, "acquaintance" is better to postpone.

A cat can safely eat from a dog bowl,lie down on a dog bed or even on a dog. The cat shows its favor to the dog, biting its tail or using it as a "sharpener" for claws. A dog expresses his friendship by wagging the tail, characteristic playful poses. A cat can be frightened of this behavior, so iron it, showing that there is nothing to be afraid of.

If you have a desire to have another pet, no matter a cat or dog, you should honestly answer yourself to the following questions:

  • Do you have enough time to care for both animals?

  • Do you have enough financial resources for full-fledged care and provision of qualified medical care to your animals?

  • Do you have the strength to love both pets equally?

If, although one question is negative or you doubt your willingness to keep two animals at once, then perhaps you should not start a second pet. After all, remember, Cats and dogs are not fluffy soft toys, but living beings with their own characters, feelings, habits!

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